
Sep 14, 2006 16:36

Today was the first time in half of a year that I've actually felt single. Cindy and I got into a fight(more like she did something stupid and acted like it didn't happen) between second and third block, and I didn't hear from her until after I got home. I mean, we talked it over, had a 'serious conversation,' and when she said, "I love you," before she had to go the first time, I reciprocated that emotion. "So, you're not mad at me anymore?" "Nooo, you know that I can't stay mad at you, Cin." What makes my relationship with her different from any other one I hold is the fact that we hear eachother out. Our first priority is to come to a compromise(while another's top goal is to prove himself to be right). The chat was weird, yet reassuring -- we're going to be together for a very, very long time, if not forever itself.

Back to the point, I felt single. The sudden impact of the slight chance of eventual singularity hit me hard. I'm miserable without the chick. I know where I belong and where I want to be. It's simply with her. It's depressing and uplifting. The restrictions restrict me from promiscuousness, but the power of our love limits me to nothing. It's crazy.

To further explain my despondency of the twenty minute break/after school/the ride home, I repeatedly sang, "ONE IS THE LONELIEST NUMBER YOU COULD EVER BE..." I like... whined and moaned it throughout Spanish and break and the ride.

"I'll be giving it my bestest
And nothing's gonna stop me but divine intervention
I reckon it's again my turn to win some and learn some
I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait, I'm yours..."
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