My rant

May 05, 2005 20:10

Things I hate
- Drama
- Annoying people
- Girls who are teases
- Girls who act interested when they are not
- People who talk shit
- People who talk behind their friends backs
- Terrorists
- People who burn flags
- People who aren't open to others opinions
- Forcing me to do things I don't want to do
- Others who say things about me that aren't true
- Having the simplist things never working out... ever
- Being treated without respect when i have earned it
- Managers who treat people horrible
- People who say one thing and do another
- Guys who treat their awesome girlfriends like shit
- Being single
- Being bored
- Not having comments on my stuff
- Love/hate relationships
- People who critisize me
- Posers
- Those friggin emo kids
- Those sophmore guys who wear girls pants
- Tolerence and diversity month
- Being force to conform
- Getting my faith mad fun of
- Having to deal with other peoples problems
- Being "just a friend"
- Giving rights to people who don't deserve them (rapists, murderers, terrorists)
- Gay marriage
- Day of silence
- Not going on exotic vacations
- School
- Teachers who suck
- People who get favored
- Market Basket
- When you write to someone and they dont write back
- People who change because others don't like them
- When your favorite TV show isn't on when its suppose to be
- Farenheight 9/11
- Roger Moore
- Extreme liberals
- People who say aisles are done when they really arent
- Not being able to find the awesome job everyone else has
- Renovations at Market Basket
- Customers who cant read
- Customers who get mad at you when its not your fault they bounced a check
- Being told to "shove the chicken up my ass"
- Having to do other peoples jobs at work
- Having to clean up other peoples messes when you know they did it
- Being forced to give up a drawer when you know you cant afford one
- Having to act happy all the time

Thats all i can really think of right now... comment on the ones you like or add some of your own
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