Nov 03, 2006 21:19's been like....forever! lol! Soooo ummmm
I don't remember what I've posted I'll just
start with like....Halloween? Halloween was pretty fun. I dressed up as a fairy....
and Leon dressed super goth....and that's pretty much it. No
one else dressed up. Am I surprised? Ha. But oh well...what
can ya do? Then after school....I went home and sat around and
did noooootthhhiiiinnnngggg but get screamed at all day...I would
have done almost anything to get out of the house...ugh...then
Leon came over a 5 and we went trick-or-treating. After that
we went to Courtney's party. I thought it was real fun! Everyone
was getting along and having a blast. It makes me wonder why
there is still isolation going on....but I guess only they know...
and if they don't I guess only like...God or...Jesus knows...But it
was good times nonetheless!
The rest of the week was good. My developement book hasn't really been
coming along I'm sure I'll finish this weekend.
I'll be gone Saturday...I have Driver's training from 1-3 and then
I'm going up to Troy (just...don't Oh! I started DT! Yes,
it is Segment One. Shut I'm a great driver too...'cept I
don't turn...."perfectly" but practice makes perfect I guess. :)
Sooo....I guess that's it. I hope this weekend will be good!