Title: Disguise
geeky_apple Prompt: Nr 36. Max has to dress up as an elf.
Disclaimer: Don’t own Dark Angel
A/N: I really tried to write something not so food-fixated. Or rather tried to fix it after the food-things all wrote themselves without me noticing. Tried and failed.
Also this year Christmas spirit seems to express itself
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I love this, such a great moment -- and impressive that you found a plausible reason for Max to dress as an elf (at least half the challenge, right?) So many great little moments: Max's expected consternation and Logan's perfect attempts not to show his amusement, Max demanding (in ever increasing levels) payback for this one, and Logan confessing his own embarrassing Christmas moment in costume.
But as always, you give us more, in such poignant touches: Logan's recognition that Max really didn't expect much for her work for him, especially compared to his other informants (and even refused it at times)... and this line I just love: "She was pushing him and she knew it..." I mean, the whole line is great, but this phrase itself -- it just means so much here, and captures that sense that she started off irritated about the costume, but as she kept at him about payback, it morphed into a teasing, almost flirting back & forth between them, and this line made me really sense the fun in her by this time, still huffing from the mortifying costume, but working it into a Christmas dinner & time with Logan ... magical!
Thanks for this (and for the reminder for those of us too forgetful to check without guidance... :P)
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