Apr 23, 2010 12:20

With the Pulse looming in a few months time and waning interest in this particular community, I'm going to go ahead and pull the plug on da_halloween. We had no one posting for this past challenge and while I get that's always been the spirit of this, 'post if you can, if not, don't worry about it,' I recognize that there is a difference between that philosophy and no interest at all.

And that's all right. My interest is pretty much gone as well. The posts will stay up. The claims lists and such and I hope that people will still drop by and use this place for inspiration if they like.

I will not be running any more challenges. If someone else would like to take over mod-duties, they can feel free to comment here and I'll gladly turn over the reigns but for now I'm sticking a fork in us.

Sometime soon, I will be posting a compilation post of all fics ever completed for this particular comm. It will be an awesome going away party.

Thank you so much for NEARLY TWO YEARS of crackfic, horror and holiday cheer.


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