If you guys were wondering, starting 12:01AM on October 31st, you can post your story as and wide as you like. Pimp like crazy. Let's shove Halloween down this fandom's throat! (in a good way)
I just ask two things of you:
da_halloween. If you've joined, you have posting access and it will just be buckets of awesome to see all these stories in one place. I'm going to try to get a master list of sorts up sometime after Halloween for easy browsing access. That part should be up soon after Halloween.
*When you're posting, PLEASE MENTION THE PROMPT SOMEWHERE IN YOUR POST. I'm not really sure why I'm making this a rule, but it seems like it should be important.
ALSO, if you have not noticed the various clues (undead journal, candy corn, zombie uprisings), HALLOWEEN IS IN TWO DAYS and best case senario has twenty fics from you guys cropping up on Halloween. Just sayin'
ACK! There's no way I can finish that!
In this case, your brains will be fed to my pet zombie, Grombie. This is non-negociable. Brains are expensive these days.
All right, that much was a joke. If you can't finish, don't worry about it, real life can be a bitch sometimes. I'd still LOVE to see you finish of course on Halloween or not, but if you can't I understand. Have fun reading the stuff instead.
See you on HALLOWEEN, guys.