Jun 06, 2005 10:26

Its monday, and I had such a great weekend that today seem dull by comparason. I went to the ren fest w/ my sister. (That meens we saw the lost boys all day!) Who are the lost boys? A bunch of ren rock dudes in kilts, teal kilts! But I had fun at the ren fest, got sunburnt, but had fun. I broke my glasses sunday, so now I sitting here with lopsideed glasses. I also did some shopping because the fam is getting geared up for vacation. I bought some walky talkeys, to help stay in touch,make ron-day-vues, corordanate ext. The town of orlando will not know what hit it! I dream of meeting a supermodel in flordia. Then going on a date with her. Any way that is the dream. Back to reality now. I also have a PBL thing to do while I am there. There is no backing out of it now, so half way through the vacation I get-to goto a resort a vacation away from my vacation! yakumichan biz2daizeth are also going on vacation with me. I wornder if there are excited about it? Well im off to plan the creation of the world. see ya.
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