Jun 27, 2005 18:04
Brought to you in part by ShadyCheez
Don't hate- participate, b*tches.
1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond with 5 questions. I get to pick.
3. You update your LJ with the answers to my questions & this explanation.
4. If somebody comments 'interview me', ask 5 Q's accordingly.
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1.) Who is moi? and why would you want them interviewed instead of yourself?
Who is moi you ask? Moi is a...female, last time she checked. Goes by the name of Michelle. She enjoys long walks on the expressway and writing in different languages. I am only a messenger.
2.) You've got a single day to live, what do you do?
I'd like for my last day of living to be unknown to me, as I believe it is at this time. Change nothing with respect to the knowing of it. In itself, this is no choice. The real choice I am making is to try to live every day of my life as if it may be the last. To look for the good in all things and people, seeing the events of life around me in the best possible light. I wish to live life with fervor, hope, and astonishment. Surrounded by loves and loved ones.
3.) Whats your favorite metal?
My favorite metal is silver, my favorite animal is a penguin, and my favorite Looney Tune is Speedy Gonzales.
4.) You've got your own pastic surgeon on hand to
do w/e the hell you need, what do you change?
I'm not too fond of pain and surgery so I wouldn't change anything. If you mentioned it would be done magically, well I'd give you a list of things that I would change. But right now, I could stand to lose some weight by eating better and exercising all on my own.
5.) Why are you so short?
I'm not really short, I lost my shins in the war. My quest is to go find them.