Well Friday saw me venture out the house for the first time in a month and I took myself along to Egg which was fun although I was missing something (wonder what it was).
For those of you who knew about what had happened and came and made me feel better, thank you. To those of you who hadn't been informed and did the wonderful blurting out and then resulting face of shock when told, I thank you to for making me laugh (even the frantic arm waving of lorens couldn't prevent Celine from putting her foot in her mouth)! Big thanks to
societyburning and
pinksarah for the encouraging words and making me feel better and sorry tiaratart for not playing the pot game, but I don't like being questioned, it makes me moody! It was also fun to not get blinding drunk and remember most of the evening I think I'm going to enjoy sobriety, it's funnier and more memorable than when drunk and the bonus of being productive on a Saturday is a very odd concept!
Well not to productive, I had planned to go out but didn't really feel in the mood when the time came so instead caught up on some work I had planned to do today. If this project is completed then it could help me in 2 ways, 1) I get paid for building a website and 2) I could have a job for a small buisness building websites and doing things I can get a regular wage for... Scary! Also hoping on some other projects to come up and make me busy for a while to give me lots of money and keep my mind off of things!