Though off to a bad start this morning, which a jaw that doesn't want to chew, and an eye that doesn't want to see, this made it all seem so much better. For someone to have got to a point in their life to turn around and say "bang that, time for a new me" is not really that unusual. But when they actually literally get a new "them" that is a bit disturbing. This guy is selling his life. All of it. Everything. Friends, possessions, family (oh how i can dream), job, potential lovers, the whole nine yards. Fair effort.
I might be looking at this from the wrong angle, but for me to get to the point where I would part with EVERYTHING that makes me, well me, would involve some seriously bad and troubling times. Which then begs the question of who would pay FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS for a second handle and possibly damaged life?? While tempting as a "how funny would it be" kind of thread, I don't think I could really take over someone's life. Wouldn't work.
And don't get me wrong, I'm not paying the guy out.. well not seriously.. but so many questions revolving around the value of someone elses life (literal value, dollars and cents) that my head felt like it was going to explode. Though that could have something to do with the nerves in the back of my jaw socket getting grinded to paste by an ill-fitting mandible...