(no subject)

Aug 17, 2008 10:51

Y'know, this island get pretty rough sometimes. An' that mean people get all fulla negative vibes, an' start dissin' each other an' dissin' themselfs an' stealin' people's stuff and leavin' it in high places. An' guys? That hurt me. It hurts me right here, in th' heart. But y'know what else? Anger lead to fear. An' fear lead to stuff. And stuff lead to hate. And none o' that good stuff, you dig?

So yeah. I got that outta a book. Books is hard. Like climbin' rocks. But you be better for alla that. An' there was this other book, 'bout how to get rid of all them bad vibes. I kinda skipped a buncha the hard parts, but I think I got it down. 'Cause the world, like, a rainbow of diversity. An' you want that rainbow. 'Cause there's a giant pot of golden unity at th' end.

So! Tie-Dye party! Right here right now, I got a whole loada shirts but you free to bring you own. An' if enough folks show? IT S'MORE TIME!

(OOC: Subtract, say... $45 for equipment? Not counting all those t-shirts he picked up at the shop.

So yep, Beat is sitting outside the apartments with a rickety folding table (borrowed), a selection of mislabeled squeeze bottles full of dye and a collection of buckets (some borrowed, some bought, one taken as spoils of war from one Miss Inverse) full of washing soda and wet shirts, except for the one filled with water. And a box of rubber gloves. Beat is under the impression that ZOMG IT BURNS YOUR HANDS RIGHT OFF (it doesn't). This is why he has the bucket full of water.)

event, what am i doing, kumbayaaaa

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