Aug 18, 2005 10:24
Okay, so, for ages now I've been wanting to do a course, geography with Chinese studies, at the university of Nottingham. I love Nottingham city, I love the university, it's all just... shiny :D And I love geography and I always wanted to study chinese history ANNNNNNNNNNNND I get to stay near Shanghai at some point next year either on field work OOOOOOOOOOOOR for a whole semester (I'm shooting for the semester, WOOT!).
Anyhow! I got shooed off to bed at 11:41pm last night and fell asleep some time after 2:31... SO FREAKING BORED. Got up this morning all tense and nervous and in a totally bad mood *giggles* Even though I blatantly denied it. Only, I found a letter on the table... from UCAS (the university and colleges admissions service, which acts as an interface between the universities and the applicants)... telling me that Nottingham accepted me! So naturally I was sitting there wondering what the hell kind of grades I got, since I was expecting a fail in maths, and Cs in geo and comp... and I needed ABB.
Got to school, and my grades were:
General Studies - A
Geography - B
Computing - B
Maths - C!!!!!!
I was a little unsure, since my grades were a little lower than they wanted, BUT, a C is WAY higher than I expected in maths... and in geo, I was only 0.3% away from an A. Fucking exam board screwed up my paper, I know that for a fact, but I don't care because I GOT IN! And yes.... that's only the second C I've ever got in my life so one would think I'd be a complete snob and be mad about it but I don't care because I PASSED MATHS!