FiNaLs -*WoOt-*

Dec 21, 2005 02:28

*So. today is the last day of finals. im pumped. RJ will be home in a few hours. I have to call him in 30 minutes to wake him up so he can continue his journey. He got tired and had to pull over to rest. good idea or he could be dead, and i dont what that! So me and him are suposed to go on a date sometime soon. riight. with him "talkin" to a chick in NC. i dont see that goin too well. but ya know. It will be good for me...too bad for her. lol. I love RJ to death, but he's too much of a player. he's totally pussy oriented. He can't get enough. lol. But as a friend he is a wonderful person. I got nothin but love for that boy. and as much as i try to espress it, i still don think he fully understands. I dont know what to do to make him understand. Soon it will be out of my hands. if it's not already. ya know. But yeah. enough about RJ

*So Christmas break starts today at 2:55pm. pretty exciting if you ask me. lol. Finals will be over, and everythign will be wonderful until i recieve me report card. then good bye social life. i'm gonna be locked in the house...But i guess that should motivate me to work harder. but for some reason I dont see it working, me being rebelious and all. But you know how it goes. lol. My mom will get tired ofhaving me around the house doing nothin, and she'll make me go hang out with people. great punishment huh?. lol. but for real I do need to start doin my homework. Cuz i sure as hell dont want to be in high school when i'm 18. since i'm supposed to be 17 when i graduate. so yea. but i think i'ma go find food then call RJ to wake him up. so I'll post more later



****Live it*
**Be it****


(any typos you can thank sleep depravation for that)

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