
Oct 08, 2009 22:38

 While I have internet connection, a quick update about Rome!

-Rome was WONDERFUL!! Such an amazing city- so much history, everywhere! You can just walk randomly, and you'll find something astounding... things that would be major sights in other cities warrant maybe a paragraph in your guidebook. When you think of the scale and scope of the civilization that was there 2,000 years ago you just have to be amazed...

-soo much walking, omg. we ran ourselves ragged trying to do as much as we could in three (almost four) days, and we still only saw a fraction. Would def love to return if we have the chance later in our trip

-Forum/ Colosseum = wonderful. Photos just don't do any justice to the sense of scale and history you feel when you're there.... but just downright wonderful..

-Pantheon = same thing. None of my photos capture the sense of scale and overwhelming-ness of actually standing there inside..

-I am apparently a fan of Baroque sculpture. It's all full of wind, drama, and "BAM!" It's like,
"you like the Renaissance? You'll like it IN THE WIND!"
"you like a little bronze? how about we cover the ENTIRE THING IN BRONZE?"
"you like dramatic poses? You'll like them SPEWING WATER!"

It just cracks me up- it's just so full of life and grandness and "Bam in your face!"-ness after the calm classicism of the Renaissance.

Trevi fountain- baroque awesomeness. I saw somebody propose to his girlfriend! so romantic! we also did a ANTM style photoshoot at 2am at Trevi fountain. Aw yeah. Too bad I have drunk eyes in the photos. Bleh.

I love all the water fountains (both drinking and decorative), the layers and layers of history down every street, the dirtiness and grittiness and rolling hills of the city and just the sense of "wow! i'm literally in the heart of western civilization as we know it."

I just loved it! slowly going through my photos- will upload as soon as I have proper internet/ a proper edited amount of them to show!

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