PSA: New and fun podcast

Apr 30, 2009 17:29

(a shout out to my very large number of librarian/literary friends out there- you know who you are!!)

Discovered a new favorite podcast: New Yorker- Fiction.

Each month, a different writer chooses a story from the New Yorker's archive of fiction short stories, and reads it out lout. They also discuss it with the Fiction editor.  There's some really great stuff in here, and if you're a podcast buff like I am (listen ALL day at work), you might enjoy it.

(speaking of podcasts, other favorites include This American Life, Stuff you Missed in History Class, and for something completely different, Smodcast.)

one of my all time favorite short stories, "Bullet in the Brain," (by Tobias Wolff) is featured if you go back a few months. LOVE that story...
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