This Saturday...

Oct 08, 2008 23:54

I am going to be going into New Jersey to see one of my favourite bands The Champagne Charade (my other favourite band being LeATHERMOUTH who I have obviously already seen.)

if interested, read the rest after the cut:

I'm really excited because this is a band I've been wanting to see since before they even played one show but because it's so far I didn't think I'd get a chance. Also, it will be my first trip by myself anywhere even though I am meeting my good skeleton crew friend Amanda _thoughtless_me halfway.
It all started last Saturday when I went for another boring day to work. I work on the weekends at this "mountain resort" near our house which is pretty much a fancy way of saying that they're a really really expensive hotel/ski resort. Like go there if you want to spend 10,000 dollars on a room and food for 50 people for a wedding reception. I pretty well hate my job but that's another story altogether. The thing is I kinda assumed I'd be working all these weekends coming up except for the 18th and the 19th because I had to request off then and so I was shocked to find out that Mike our manager had scheduled me off this weekend too. I immediately remembered how TCC were supposed to be playing a show on Saturday and later in the day while shopping with my parents mentioned it to my step-father fully expecting him to outright say no. Surprisingly he told me to "take a bus or something." and I went home and actually found a way to get there using our shitty public transportation system.
I'm really really excited. I mean these guys are the one band I've wanted to see the most and I'm really excited to just get to hang out with them too. There's a chance we're even on the guest list (well if there is one then we're on it apparently.) I feel like a bit of a bother when it comes to all that cause I had to ask their singer Saetia LaReoux to make sure that we definitely had tickets if I was gonna spend something along the lines of 80 dollars getting there and back but I've also decided that to make up for it along the way I'm gonna stick flyers promoting them random places. I actually made my own flyers just for the occasion because I have essentially ran out of the ones that Rose gave me after the LeATHERMOUTH show. They look like this:

oh and I made a t-shirt as well:

simply because I was inspired.

I am definitely thinking this is gonna be one of the best shows I've ever been to and I fully intend to write all about it when I get back on Sunday (I'm spending the night at Amanda's house in Lincoln Park, NJ because it will be easier to get home then.)
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