
Nov 22, 2008 16:55

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'DYM stands for Death to Your Modern and THE INVILID is their debut album. Containing ten tracks, the album shows a band that has something new to offer other than harsh sounds and aggressive attitude. DYM mix e.b.m. tunes with harsh/treated vocals, breakbeat rhythms and electro industrial sounds. Most of the tracks offer good moments and fortunately few of them are focused only on distorted assaults that tend to arise only chaos rather than my attention. Good for a dancefloor use as well as an home listening, THE INVILID is a nice album which stands out for its mix of genres even if innovation isn't the key for the whole track list as some tracks are quite 'normal' for an e.b.m. album but the ones where they blend genres and don't push too much on the harshness are really interesting.
Review by: Maurizio Pustianaz'

'Quite surprised after having seen a review by my dear colleague Maurizio some days before, I nevertheless like to give some insight on this new NoiTekk-signing too. DYM is a Canadian duo which offers its debut release. As being signed to NoiTekk, this one is another valuable addition to their famous label roster, also and because they have something more to offer than the usual and expected Hellectro rush. I don’t know, if this has anything to do with their origin, but at least some remarkable collaborations with acts and artists like Nick Gorman (FRACTURED, another Canadian act signed to NTP/Dependent... r.i.p.) and Mr. FAMINE (who could lately release his quite diverse debut on Bugs Crawling Out Of People, the Rock ’n’ Roll-Supergod IT-CLINGS-label...) have happened here. Besides the Harsh EBM-formula, DYM offer some wider rhythmically structures, some IDM/Electronica influences (check the opener ”Bender”) can be noticed too. The provided sound comes out quite fat and wide and uses the complete spectrum of a room. Nothing hits such a floor-burner like ”EBGM”, even if they’ve reduced the pace to mid-tempo. Seldom, but still a treasure to discover is their synth-layer programming abilities, whenever they decide to integrate this element, it normally comes out quite bombastic (”NeuWorldBrave”) and sounds ”alive”. Also integrated is this often discovered interrupting or stuttering of a complete song structure (”The Invilid”), FRACTURED, FAMINE and also RE_AGENT have been excellent masters. A lot of good ingredients for a rollicking Harsh-EBM album, which offers more ”foreign” influences, the normal user would have expected from NoiTekk. Another save 4-stars rating!
Review by: Marc Tater'
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