I think i very free in class, and 'm really about to fall aslp, and i don't have the feel to do the worksheet, so i resorted to bloggin' in hopes of helping me in killing time faster cause i am very hungry so i need break to faster come!
to top off my misery, i am friggin' sleepy and i need sleep so badly!
Now, my life = (Y)
EVERYDAY SCHOOL, happy skip school, not happy also skip school lol.
skipping school is really addictive, you skip once, you'll wanna do it twice, thrice and so on and so fore..
Fridays and saturdays are two days that die die also must head out to enjoy!
school days usually over to bby's place.
damn sian!
So fast its may already y'know!
i feel damn broke now, i need $$. I need daddy to gimme more loh >:(
and i also realised one thing...
friends come and go, including best friends.
but recently started hanging out with a group of friends @ school i can really enjoy being around, which is a good thing (Y)
but still, i always love my normal group of friends!
well well, later need to copy notes already, never contribute anything.
Okay, if i later free i come blog again!
its gonna be break already byebye suckaaaaas!!^^