Just Another Update

Jun 17, 2009 12:53

Finally the weather gets nicer. Well, not much has been going on lately, but still thought I'd update y'all. (When I say y'all, I mean the one or two people who see this.)

I've been keeping up on my hours, even though it's taking a lot of time out of my day. I'm trying to get 40 hours a week, even if that means working night shift in addition to days. This week I've worked about 19 hours, working a lot more tonight to try and get up to 24. Work's going good, I'm getting along with everyone there, and am doing well. :]  The money is coming in, helping me pay off medical bills, rent, all that fun stuff. Two more paychecks and I'll be caught up with a few hundred for myself in my bank. (Indianapolis!)

One of my managers is going to be in Ohio until July, so it'll be a bit weird working with her gone. I recently learned that I'm being payed more than the other executive interviewers, which just makes me feel even more like I'm the one who's moving to the supervisor position. I talked with Jamie about it, she said she'd ask me when the full-time position opens and I can choose from there. I'm not sure if I should believe anyone else, but I don't want to put all of my trust in one person.

I've been walking a lot lately. It's 3 miles to go to work and walk back, yesterday I walked 9 miles, so far today I've walked 3, 3 more to go. I've been feeling good lately, too. I feel like all of my health problems are in the past, even though I know my stomach's gonna act up any day now.

OH. And I'm getting a car. Biggest thing this week. It's nothing very fancy, but it definitely works. It's a 1988 Chrysler Fifth Avenue. Pretty good considering I didn't have to pay anything for it. It runs, has an alright exterior and a nice interior. My dad's tuning it up and I'll hopefully get it pretty soon. :}  Then I can take trips and stuff. x3

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