all hope has not been lost.
I interviewed last week and rocked their fscking sox off.
soo now i wait for the phone call
the proverbial "drop dead date" is may 6th (when im supposed to get the you got the gig call..)
i cant wait to tell my boss to shove it up her ass
as diplomatically as possible of course
i need absinthe.
who can recommend a brand with the absolute highest content of wormwood on the planet?
wouch you'll beat it because all of your friends love you!
and as we all know, love conquers all.
like i said on your post, my thoughts and prayers are with you.
hang in there.
a tall glass of absinthe will be waiting for you
Im beginning to strongly believe that my little buddy Ripley is a part-time gargoyle
when im sitting on the futon, he'll sit just opposite me on the floor all prim and proper with his eyes closed
warding off all the evil spirits.
i swear he's catatonic. no pun intended.
he just turned 1 yesterday btw.
i've come to the realization that i am currently paying off all my karmic debts by being a slave to my boss.
much like milaprepa
well not really but i gotta have positive thoughts or i get fitted for my designer straight jacket promptly at 11:11 on the day of my choice.
thats all
this post has made sporadic sense.