Jan 27, 2005 19:58
}}|{{ i am sitting here eating all the pink chicklets out of my brothers gum jar
My computer broke last week & my tv broke a few days ago
"i am not appliance friendly" according to rae
so i have to use my brother's computer whenever i can, which is rarely because he's always on it. (sigh)
anyways updation?:
midterms all this week =\ italian, algebra, chemistry, crafts, psychology.. all that fun stuff ya know!
went out yesterday with ma dad & bro for lunch ..bad taco bell yuck.
tues went out with rae to eat after exams were done then went to sar's house to chill
today did the same thing (went to sarahs to EAT, haha)
rae dropped me off home and i procrastinate studying for my english exam.
damn mrs werthiem & her 3 essay exam.
im watching now
i thought i should just let you all know. =D
won't be back till later
so'long dears