N4116L kicks you in the nuts!

Jul 10, 2007 22:45

And takes your lunch money.

She's finally done with her annual, I had a lot of things uplifted, doctored, and repaired above and beyond just getting her signed off as airworthy for another year.

That, and I just went crazygonuts at Sporty's, picking up some sundry items, a survival/first aid kit, an Arctic Air air conditioner (ok, ok, it's just an ice chest with a fan and cooling coils, but it works), and the creme de la creme of the spending spree, a shiny new Garmin 496.

I just went airborn for the first time in about 5 months. At night. 1-2-3 full stops and taxi backs, and *poof!* I'm once again both day and night current for taking passengers again! And since the pattern started actually getting busy at about 9:30pm, I elected to go another circuit around the pattern and join the fray...3 PanAm students, a LearJet, a Cessna, 2 Phoenix Police helicopters and myself all dancing within a 5 mile radius of the airport. An aerial conga line ensued: lan-ding two-oo fife LEFT! lan-ding two-oo fife LEFT! lan-ding two-oo fife LEFT! (Please tell me that you mentally pictured cartoonish airplanes moving thru the air, pausing in time with the beat, and then heared the chirp of tires of the landing airplane touching down in time with the "LEFT!" beat...becuase if you didn't, then, umm, yeah, me neither.)

Man, it was fun, I am definitely refreshed and invigorated after having flown again after all this time...and pissed at myself for not having flown more from Feb - May before my annual inspection started. And playing with the Garmin gave me giddy gadget geek glee. Its terrain database happily warned me that I was within 2 minutes of hitting the TV/radio antennas that are about 5 miles to the east northeast of DVT every time my flight path swept across them as I made my left base turn for runway 25L.

Just one hour in the sky and I'm hungry for more.
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