State Of The Fic Address.

Jul 04, 2006 00:56

The outpouring of love from all of you has truly astounded me. I really can't see myself as the type of person who could walk away now after all you've said. I may not be fully out of my funk, but I've had some good sense knocked into my head. It may be a long time coming, but my fics won't be abandoned. I'll keep writing. I think I'll take a break from writing quality fic and go back to my old old roots of crackfic. Unbeta'd, unedited and unsane. Er, insane. I just write something crazy and post it and get back to a nice catharsis and non-stressful place so that the WIP's I got now can come out.

I'll probably post an idea for a nice stupid crackfic in a couple of days where I solicit characters (then I'll use a poll feature, 'cause it looks nifty and I ain't used one yet) to be in the crackfic that will be plotless and stressless. But that's not today...

Today, now, is for my current WIP's and where they're going, just in case:
A) I never get around to them.
B) You're impatient.
C) Homeland Security mistakes me for my "godless communist whore" friend with an odd interest in High School track stars*... or any other thing that might result in me mysterious disappearance from internet land.

*Homeland Security... please note that my "godless communist whore" friend with interests in high school aged boys is a female. Please remember this as I am a male. And, um, I love America? waves flag

So, let's get started.

100 Slayers
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Ah yes, "100 Slayers" my rip-off of "100 Girls" with twists. So, where is this fic going?

Well, Xan and Willow set out to clear everyone off the list. And do so humorously of course, in what would hopefully be many scenes of the funny. Then you get to the point where they've checked everyone on the list, including Dawn and... it's none of them. Xander's sitting beside Willow out under a shade tree, waving the bra around as he speaks about how useless it was and Willow's trying to reassure him when Faith passes by them, stops, turns back and grabs the bra and looks at him "I've been looking for this for weeks. Didn't see you as a perv." and then wanders away (well, the dialogue is not 100% of course, just the idea you see) so Xan and Willow give each other "WTF?" looks.

So Xander is all "Okay, well, it was Faith." and decides to try and get to know her better since, even after all this time and being friends, they don't know each other that well. So he slowly starts drawing her out and they get closer. Slowly and slowly and slowly... and then he kisses her and it surprises her a bit, but she goes with it and they finally get intimate and it's all nice and lovely and then he mentions the elevator and what they did in it... and is met by silence. So he keeps talking about how he tried to find her after that because he didn't know who it was, and had about given up on it until she took her bra back and how he wanted to get to know he better and...

She gets angry, kicks him out of her room in his boxers and he's dumbfounded and asks what he did wrong. She opens the door and says "Because I wasn't the girl in the elevator. So your whole made up girl is a lie, it wasn't me. I hadn't seen my bra since Kennedy borrowed it." and slam, door shut and Xander does a walk of shame.

Xander then quietly confronts Kennedy and finds that yes, it was her. Willow and her had discussed her maybe one day experimenting with a guy, but it'd just been talk. When everything happened as it did she took a chance with Xan. Then she felt guilty and was afraid to tell Willow. So Xander basically tells her to talk to Willow about it and he goes off to try and figure out what to do about him and Faith, deciding to do something stupidly romantic to try and win her back. Which involves him trapping them in an elevator while he apologizes profusely... and happily ever after for them.

Then there was the bit at the end where Buffy accidently having sex with Giles and the whole Dawn/Willow/Kennedy/F-XOC/Andrew sex bit... (F-XOC = Female Crossover Character)

spoiler space for next...


Gravity & Suffering
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Normally I try to shy away from over-powering Xander. Over-powered Xander tends to annoy me at times. But considering just how bad I was torturing the poor guy... I think he'll come out pretty well off even with all the mental trauma.

Picking up where I left off, it goes a bit like this in my planning. Xan fights a creature the Vong bring before him, barely surviving. He thinks it's just a rite of passage kind of thing but then, days/weeks later he suffers from double vision except one place is the hut Medusa kept working on him in. So he goes there and she opens his empty eye socket where the bugs were stuck in earlier and presents him an eye. Very G'kar like, except it was taken from the creature he fought and killed and grafted to a villip. So he now has two eyes, but one is the alien critters and... it has different modes of seeing, one normal like his other eye and the other in the heat spectrum (think Predator).

Shooey pretty much trains Xan as a full warrier, teaches him to use the thud/razor bugs and all the Vong arsenol. This pisses off the other Vong in the village and they try to kill Xander, Shooey and Medusa. It's a rough battle, Xander gets hurt bad, Shooey gives him his Hunters Cloak (that makes ya invisible) to try and let Xander escape. Xander doesn't manage though and, just after Medusa and Shooey are killed, Xander takes a amphistaff to the heart and is dead. His body is basically thrown into a pit with Shooey and Medusa and he's left there.

Xan knows he's dead/dying and has visions. He sees Tara who tells him that because of the magic that was pumped through him when Willow was all "DESTROY WORLD" and he was all "Yellow crayon?" that he's connected to the same kind of magic she was, so she was sent to tell him that he'd been drafted to help out the good guys. That when the time was right, he'd know it, and he'd return home to help and she plants visions of the Fang Gang's last stand into his head. Xander wakes up and, well, if you thought his mental state was bad before, coming back from the dead and basically getting told he has a destiny? Yikes...

Since the Vong village wants him dead, he gets the Hunter's cloak (got the name wrote down somewhere) and goes to live in the jungle. Sadly, all he has aviable to eat are tubers and stuff he can get from the forest (and doesn't know that they have properties that, well, effects the brain) so he gets more and more paranoid. One day he waks up from sleep with seed-like things and doesn't understand what they are as his mind is all kinds of loopy by this point. Also, the planet Zonama Sekot is searching for him but he instinctually pulled in his Force-essence tight after the time he'd meditated. The planet has gathered up the ship seeds that had bonded to Xander briefly and begins to make a ship for him, one very different that previous ones (yes, sadly, me SUPAHFYING Xander).

One day through the woods Xander spots a ship landing on the planet and is surprised to see Vong getting off it with humans. He thinks they must be Peace Brigaders but he wants off this planet and decides to, using the cloak, stow-away on the ship and get away. He's so paranoid from isolation and the food that he's full on craxy and distrustful. He manages to get on the ship and first stop they make he disembarks, not having figured out they were Jedi who were ferrying some of the remaining Vong hold-outs to Sekot.

On the new planet, he basically starts waiting around the dark/dangerous areas and attacking thieves and, well, robbing them to pay for food, clothing and such. Slowly the plants he was eating leave his system and he gets better mentally but keeps up his vigilante act. One day doing this he saves a pretty blonde, a little older than he, from some men who are out to kill her. Turns out they are ex-Peace Brigaders who are trying to collect a reward on her head because she's a journalist who published the names and faces of a lot of PB'ers. She doesn't let Xander slink away and basically forces him to come back to her ship with her. She introduces herself as Cindel Towani.

Yes. That Cindel Towani.

She explains her deal and that people have been trying to kill her and asks Xan's story. He doesn't give it all up but mentions he was captive to the Vong for awhile and got some things for his trouble. She's the first person he's really spoken to since he'd left the planet, other than to haggle with what he'd taken from the thieves. She draws him in and asks if he'd mind playing bodyguard to her a bit as all she had was herself, the ship and a modified/disquised astromech/slicer droid that was concealed in a Power Droid's casing that she called Gonk. Yes, fine, okay, I had to have Gonk in there!

So, Xan goes with her because, well, he needs to be off the stupid planet he was stuck on. So they travel for a few months, get closer, fall in love, it's nice and happy. One day she's out on some planet, he's off getting her a present, he shows up in time to see her killed by some Peace Brigader's and he throws some nasty Force-lightning without thinking, frying them to death. Poor Xan is all crushed in the head, once more. He gathers Cindel's body and takes her to be buried on the planet her family was buried on. Xan goes to Endor. He buries her and then spends time trying to meditate, clear his mind and figure out how he threw Force lightning. Then Gonk basically zaps him in the ass and scolds him for pulling inward so because Cindel wouldn't have wanted it. So Xan takes a big mental breath and decides to see if, since he threw Force lightning, ie he could do other Jedi stuff. So (again, SUPAHFYING) Xander sets out to train himself, the best he can, to be a Jedi but finds himself having no luck with telekinesis but is good at influencing animals and such and gets his body more set up. One day he accidently puts his hand in a fire and is suprised to not be hurt and, remember Corran from the books decides to see if he's like the Halcyon line and is thoroughly confused to be like them since it was supposed to be a family trait and he definitly wasn't family.

Yadda yadda, he trains himself to use this Power thing with the Force, absorbing and whatnot, does new SUPAHFYING things with it that no one else had thought of, yadda yadda. Decides it's time to go back into the galaxy and track down the rest of the Peace Brigade scum and either turn them in or outright kill them. So we have some Xan as a freelance bounty hunter, thought of having him contact Talon Karrde with some info he has because he'd seen the prequels and offer it up to Talon in exchange for, what ammounts to a Minbari fighting pike, made out of either Mandalorian Iron or something else lightsaber resentant, supplies to make a lightsaber and info on where to catch PB'ers, and Talon would then take 70% of the cut from the bounties.

Anyway, Xan catches and kills a bunch of PB'ers 'cause he just ain't all Jedi and ends up running afoul a wannabe Dark Jedi, Dark Jedi is all grandoise threats and Xander just draws a blaster and shoots, which the DJ deflects, but also pulls out his amphistaff and does a projectile venom shot into the DJ's face and, well, Dark Jedi dies and Xander takes his red lightsaber (and marvels that the DJ had gotten as he was definitely no Sith). Unfortunately for Xan, a real Jedi had been tracking the Dark Jedi and there's a confrontation where Xander, using many and multiple underhanded tricks, ends up using blorash jelly to secure the Jedi to a wall and disappearing back to Cindel's, now his, ship. So now Jedi are looking for him but he's still a man on a mission. Then he's hit with visions of Tara and Sekot and figures it's what she meant and he sets course to return to the planet.

On the way he's meditating and trying to build the lightsaber using the red Sith crystal from the Dark Jedi's lightsaber and the blue gemstone from the present he was buying for Cindel when she was killed. He puts it all together, activates and it works... for about five seconds and then stops. He has it put together right, but the the Force aspect of it, where he's all right in the mind and it melds together that special way they do... just doesn't happen. So it'll work, but not for more than a few seconds, so he has to keep trying.

Anyway, gets to Sekot and there is a nice new ship for him that's very well-armed which is a big departure for Sekotian ships coughSUPAHFYINGcough and uses both Vong biotech and the usual stuff from mechanical ships and has computers AND a mini-World Brain. Sekot decided Xan needed it for whatever was upcoming. But asks that he let the planet study him for a few days and take blood/skin samples as somehow he bridged the gap between the Vong/Force and it's figured out that, where he came from a planet without any Midichlorians when he landed in this dimension they rushed into his body about the same time he was being bitten by the amphistaffs and the midichlorians figured the venom was part of his body so as they merged with him kept him going like it was natural, and through that he basically could sense Force and Vong. So Sekot takes the samples and will use them to bring the Vong back into the Force.

So Xan and his trusty droid Gonk now have this kickass new ship... but no way to get home. Sekot had already known of this problem and using the dovin basals on the planet and ship can open a passage back to his home (possibly a two way passage so he could return). So, Xan and ship return. Considered having him take Zekk back too, not sure.

So, Xan is back in his home galaxy and, well, finally finds his home planet and is just in time to get to LA for the final showdown. Not to save Wes, sadly, but in full Vong get up... Ooglith to look like one, armor, weapons, he appears with the ship and shoots down the dragon, disappointed Angel and using some crazy shit he'd been working on helps them kill all the demons. Gunn is put into a bacta tank to heal and Xander takes Angel, Spike, Illyria and Gunn to Cleveland in his ship, never giving them the impression he knew them and not exposing himself for who he was. His mental health may not be as bad, but he's been stuck in that other dimension for years by this point and his friend hadn't come for him so, yeah, bitterness.

So they show up in Cleveland and it's one of the new Slayers who answers the door and, well, you have someone looking like a Vong, you have two master vamps and Illyria (Gunn is still in bacta) and you have an all out battle start. So, they all end up in a fight and Xan, using his new SUPAHFIED Jedi powers in the end knocks out Willow and Buffy (after he gets a bone or two of his broken) and then finally people calm down a bit when Giles shows up and it's all explained. Then Andrew looks in, recognized the Vong and promptly faints. So, yeah, it's rough... Xander doesn't come out to who he is for awhile, but Dawn is all atwitter because the thing that was to let them know if Xander ever made it back to earth had lit up earlier, so they're wanting to find him but can't get to it because of the new arrivals.

Xander is pissed at them all and being a real ass at this point because he thinks they abandoned him. After the Fang Gang tell their story they all turn on Xander who has a limp arm as Buffy broke it and says he'll tell them his story but first he has to take care of his arm and that Giles and Angel are welcome to come with him if they want the story. Among many objections they agree and Xan takes them in his ship where Gunn is and, with his back to them, removes his armor and Ooglith, exposing all his scars and cuts his arm open and drops in some buggies he got from Sekot that Medusa had used then seals the would and imobilizes his arm with blorash jelly before turning around and stunning Giles and confirming what Angel's nose began to tell him when the Oogltih was removed. Xander puts on his cloak (regular one, the one that eats, um, stuff) and angrily asks Giles why they never came for him. He's quickly floored when he finds out he's only been missing for a week at this point.

So he's still upset but lets go a lot of the anger and tells Giles and Angel what'd happened to him. And he's not sure if he should tell the others. They think he should probably tell an edited version of things and Xan agrees, and tells Giles he'll consent to the check he and Willow will of course want to do to make sure he's still him. So all that's done and he leaves the ship with them, taking Gunn out who is now out of the woods enough that he can be treated at the school and has the ship go and hide and wait for him as he can communicate with it thanks to his eye villip thingy... YES I KNOW I'M SUPAHFYING. Xan goes in and keeps his cloak on, hiding his scars and talks to Giles about getting some kind of glamour to hide it from Willow and everyone so they won't worry and ask questions. Giles manages to gather the ingredients and makes a pendant for Xander to wear to hide his scars and tells him it also has a location spell on it, that they'll tell Willow that's what it's for so hopefully she won't look too deeply. Of course she does, eventually, and it's heartbreaking but... yeah, so they all bond and things are well and it's all nice and family-ish but then Xan feels the need to go because he's just not 100% right and he wants to go someplace isolated and meditate.

So, um, he goes off, meditates... most likely on Mars. Ends up getting his lightsaber working and comes to grips with his life. And if I were still going to do a sequel, that's where the SGC find him...

But that's all really. Now that you've seen it, you probably don't want me writing it. ;)

Those were the only two mentioned... If you want more on the others ask. I was originally going to do them all in this post but, well, doing those two has me monkeyed!

fic-insanity, mindset

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