Wow, been awhile since I wrote anything, huh? Well, having watched the BSG series finale it seemed the only way I could reconcile all those unanswered questions, without sacrificing too much of my sanity (stop laughing), was this... So, I present to you a post finale nBSG crossover fic. Kind of. Sort off. It's hard to explain. I blame drugs. Or drugs blame me. It's currently before a judge in a civil suit over whose fault I am. Anyway, onward.
First though, the
Title: Walking On The Moon
Author: Drake, Drake-Tepes, D-Tepes, Jackass-Who-Doesn't-Write-Often-Enough, Jackass-Who-Writes-Too-Often
Summary: What if those figments in Baltar and Six's heads weren't angels, per se, but visitors from somewhere else?
Rating: PG-ish, less offensive than a BSG ep I imagine. Except to the psyche.
Spoilers: Series finale of nBSG. Post-finale of a show that's been done for years. Vague unfounded spoilers for movie/tv series.
Disclaimer: You can thank
bastardsnow for the writing not being a horrid unintelligible mess. You can blame
mymatedave for me writing this. You can't blame me because I have doctors who say I'm impotent... or is that incompetent? Either way. Also, I own nothing so I kindly ask not to be sued.
The Earth rose slowly above the horizon of the moon as four figures stood watching, heedless of the vacuum of space. A blonde in a red dress, modeled after the Cylon once known as Caprica Six turned and, defying all known physics, "spoke" to her companions.
"They're going to fail again. Skynet and the rebels are mucking about time and now the humans are struggling just to maintain the survival of their rebellion in the future. They can't even think of trying to win at this point. There is little that we can do while they're throwing assets back in time."
"They lack a Circle," said the one who wore the appearance of Gaius Baltar. "If something doesn't stop them soon then the paradoxes won't leave enough humans alive for us to start again."
"That's being taken care of. With carefully placed information their time travel abilities have been broken, locking us in this timeline. Each sides raided the other's facilities and destroyed them. This is now the set future," an older, gray-haired and bearded man said as the view of the Earth in front of them shifted from such vibrant colors to a darker and scarred world.
"I don't see how the humans can survive this. They won't come out stronger, they won't come out at all," Caprica Six said almost sadly.
"Are we to intervene?" Gaius asked.
"No," the final figure spoke. Standing aside he was the most obviously alien of the foursome with sunken eyes, a beard, and a gem worn on his head. "They have already sown the seeds of their salvation."
"What have they done Lorien? They're losing this war," Gaius said.
Lorien smiled enigmatically and pointed to a spot in space beyond any ability on Earth to currently monitor. Turning, the group seemed to move through space to where Lorien indicated to find a satellite aimed at Earth.
The older man spoke to the group as he looked over the piece of machinery. "Acts of kindness are not forgotten. Freeing the Centurions to find their own path earned the humans some goodwill I believe. The Centurions left behind satellites to watch Earth. To guard themselves should the humans change their mind, at least at first."
"Then why haven't they come to help them already?" Caprica asked.
"They've had to move the satellites further and further away as humans again found their way to space. They realized how much humans had lost and didn't want to contaminate them. The Centurions have evolved quite a bit in the last 150,000 years, but they still remember the humans. The signals from Earth will arrive at this satellite soon, years after the fact, and the Centurions will return," the bearded man explained.
"John, how can you be so sure they'll side with the humans?" Gaius asked.
"I have faith in them Kosh. If they just wanted humans dead they could have done it long ago."
Kosh nodded in the form of Gaius before letting the facade fall away to his natural energy form. Caprica rolled her eyes at Kosh before commenting to the group, "If it's all the same to you I'll hold this form a little longer. I enjoy not having to deal with the arachnophobia stigma."
"No problem here," John said with a smile to his companions. "With any luck we're just days away from seeing the cycle completely broken and humans finding true friends in the Centurions. Who would have thought we'd have found humans, much less in such a cycle, beyond the rim?"
"It was most unexpected," Lorien said.
"Are we truly done with our guidance and interference?" Kosh asked, almost sadly.
"I believe we are. Unless we send the Centurions a guide to help them with the humans..."
John smiled enigmatically as he baited his friends.
"Who would we send?"
"Considering we went through the trouble of elevating her to our level to lead them to the planet, we could always see if Starbuck wanted to play guide again."
The Shadow wearing the guise of Caprica Six visibly cringed and the floating mass of energy that was the Vorlon did the closest equivalent to a shudder of terror, and John couldn't contain his laughter at the duo.
Also, this is not an April Fool's Day Prank. It's not like I'd fake a fic and throw up a link to fool you all. Right? It's not like you'll click the link and suddenly find something stupid or offensive. Right? I mean, you all know me better than that. Right?