whoaaaaaa it's summertime

Jun 13, 2007 22:45

Some things amaze me. The passage of time is a classic. When in the world did we get old enough to finish two years of college?

Transitions freak me out a little bit. I'm sure all of the jumping around of college life has helped, but honestly, I'm already having trouble remembering what it was like to have to study millions of hours every day. it's strange. I really felt like I was losing my sense of balance in life at the end of spring term (aka drowning in work), and thought I'd have to try hard to remember what was actually important. But work goes away, and it's suddenly not so hard. I guess that's kind of reassuring.

My new job is going quite well. I'm really not sure how I ended up there, but I get to be outside with people and that is pretty good for me. And I'm learning to love the city, which is something I've never come close to experiencing before. It will be nice to try living in one in a few years. For now, I just get to listen to my coworkers (who are all older and hippier than me) talk about it.

I'm starting a bit o' part time lifeguarding soon as well. eh.

Being at home is okay, but it is definitely the last time I'll be home for an extended period of time. Feels a little binding these days.

I'm also working on conquering one of my greatest middle/high school fears: running. It was time. As with many things in life, it's nice to figure it out on my own terms.

Negative: Plymouth makes me miss a few people who used to live here with me. Do not get me wrong, I am loving those who are here, but you just can't get around wanting to go to Caribou Coffee or Wayzata beach or some other insanely suburban location with the old budz.

Another thing I want to admit: I don't really feel those can't-wait-to-get-back-to-school emotions about which I sometimes hear. I rather like having a breather. My thoughts on this matter are subject to change after seven Carleton-free months.

hope all is well! c'est tout!
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