Dec 19, 2006 21:00
So, I have some problems...
first, I have two finals tomorrow...not good.
second, I like this guy who's name starts with a C. We went on one date, but then things kinda turned ugly...but I like him again...and I'm hanging out with him either tomorrow or thursday and I'm excited! but I will not have sex with him after a first date. First of all its against my morals and second he's a virgin...I do not wanna take his v card on a first date.
third, I miss Vanessa.
fourth, I think I have strep.
fifth, I still haven't talked to my brother and its been two weeks.
sixth, Mike is talking to me again...which means he's gonna expect me to sleep with him...ugh.
seventh, I don't get to see Dianna for a month!
Yep, those are some of my problems right now. Other than that life is good!