Hey everybody!!! It's been a while, hasn't it? I'm so fucking excited to be back on LJ again! I was on Twitter every now and again when I went to the library over the summer, but I was never able to log in here--I'd even forgotten my password D:
Anyhow, I'm moving in on-campus at my shiny new university, and I have 24/7 internet access which I will use to read and post fic and rake in my achievements for StarCraft II, I mean, study hard.
I got a shit load done over the summer, but it's boring because it's not fandom-y stuff. On the fandom stuff I kinda slacked. I'm regretting now more than ever that I've dropped out of my BBBB, which I'm still planning on completing--but I see that a lot of people have started to post theirs and I'm just like, kicking myself. But as of now I have... four fics for this fandom in the making, plus another for StarCraft because omfg that game you guys it's fucking awesome. Kerrigan is like the definition of kick-ass female and sympathetic kick-ass villain. AND she's voiced by Tricia Helfer, which some fans were pissed about because in the first game Glynnis Campbell was awessoommme, but I thought she did a good job.
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(okay the first like two minutes are some lore stuff then this dude Zeratul showing off with his lightsaber, but then around the 1:50 mark BAM.)
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I mean. Wow. But for some reason SC doesn't have a fandom on LJ. Well, it does, but it's Russian. Which I can read fine but I can't write fic in fucking Russian (yet). But damn I thought Koreans were big on StarCraft, I didn't realize that the Russians loved it too. Can you tell I'm obsessed with this game??
Anyhow. Excited to be back!