Lost Finale Recap

May 25, 2010 11:40

I’ve now been burned by 3 different series: The Dark Tower, Harry Potter and LOST. All three were fantastically written--or in LOST’s case written, directed, acted, etc--series with sub-par, unfulfilling endings.

I just about threw my copy of The Dark Tower across the room when I read the last page. Circle Theory my asscrack!

Harry Potter’s ending was not terrible, but lacked that really big twist that JKR had been building to. Unless the big twist was supposed to be the one about Snape that just about everyone saw coming. Each book previous to it had a very satisfying, game-changing twist that had the potential to knock you on your ass. The type of twists that you don’t see coming, but once you do you realize you should have known the whole time. The type of twists that make for great re-reading projects! I was expecting a twist that would make me want to go back and re-read all 7 books with a new perspective. Didn’t get it.

But LOST was the worst. They had built an entire 6 year series based on mysteries. In the end, none of the mysteries mattered. Now I am not saying I didn’t enjoy watching the LOST finale, it actually stood quite well as an episode until itself. But it was not good as a finale. What is the point of building up great, dark mysteries (wet, backward-talking ghost Walt; Ben and Widmore and how they had so much power off the island; MIB’s real name, Eloise Hawking; etc..) but leave them unanswered? The truth is, the writers wrote these things into the show because they made for good cliff-hangers. But they never really had an answer in mind for any of these and never intended to. I feel like I’ve been duped. They built up a mystery, promised answers, and never delievered.

So now, grrm’s A Song of Ice and Fire is my Obi Wan. I'm confident that HE won't let me down, as his writing is so complex and the world he created is so enormeous, it surely can't be building for a splat-type ending! Surely! ...right?

What I’d like from all of you is suggestions on other shows or books that I might get into that won’t leave me with a bad taste in my mouth as these did (I’m already a fan of Fringe, so…). I prefer sci-fi and fantasy type stories with a mystery flair. My favorite to read is long series such as Harry Potter and ASoIaF, but graphic novels are of interest to me as well. Thanks in advance for your suggestions!

suggestions, tv shows, lost, reading

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