Christmas Wish List

Nov 21, 2009 18:27

I'd like you all to email me your wish-list:

-The first thing I want this year is a #25 away (white) Penguins jersey that says “SUPERSTAR” instead of TALBOT. I’ve already asked everyone I know for this so I’d ask around if you were thinking of shelling out the loads of money it would take to buy this.

-Blue Jeans, khakis or dress slacks. Size 34x34, loose fit

-Button down or polo shirts that would fall under the heading “Business casual”. I don’t know my neck size so… average I guess?

-Wii games. I already own Wii Sports, Wii Play, Twilight Princess, Okami, Raging Rabbits 2, Metroid Prime Trilogy, and Mario Galaxy. Anything else would be fine!

-Nintendo DS Games. I own Zelda: The Phantom Hourglass, Final Fantasy III, Chrono Trigger, Brain Games, Nostalgia, and Nintendogs.

-Baking Supplies. I especially need a large mixing bowl and some good knives for cutting vegetables and fruit. A shop-chop wouldn’t be bad either!

-I’d like to stress that I do NOT need any more T-shirts. My shirt drawer is overflowing already!

-I would, however, like a 2009 Stanley Cup Champs ball cap

-An electric beard and mustache trimmer Nevermind, got one myself. Thanks!

-Books. I can’t think of anything in particular that I would like right now. I’ve heard some good things about the Wheel of Time series and I don’t have any of those yet. I also like books about medieval/European history. The barbarian tribes fascinate me!

-Movies. Again, can’t think of anything in particular that I want right now. You all know what I like! You can check with Shelly to see if we already own.

-Any Electric Six album (I already have Fire)
-Anything by Sleepytime Gorilla Museum
-"California" and "Disco Volante" by Mr. Bungle
-"Album of the Year" by Faith No More
-"Deth Album 2" by Dethklok
-"April" by VAST
-A "Best of" collection for Chicago or The Carpenters

-A gift card for Footlocker. I'm saving up for a REALLY nice paid of running shoes.

-Tickets to a Pens' game.

Same as before, please leave a comment of what you are getting me to try and avoid repeat gifts. I'm going to turn off comment notifications, so I won't see what you wrote. If you don't have an LJ account, you can comment anonymously. Thanks!

christmas, wish list

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