Jan 24, 2004 22:57
.....<-----those are sooooo over-rated. *rolls eyes*
geezus....if i see one more person doing this.....like you know...not ending a god damn sentence....and just doing this....doing the neverending periods....cos they're so freaking retarded.....and don't know how to correctly form sentences and questions....i think i'm gonna have to....uhmmmm....pull out my fucking hair.....because yeah, it's annoying...and the damn periods...it's like geez, one fucking period is enough....just quit being a retard......and you know what else bothers me....wHEn peOpLe TalK lIKe ThIs bEcaUSe tHEy thINk tHeY aRe wAy cOoL.....*rolls eyes*
sorry, the stupidest things can annoy me sometimes.
I did absolutely nothing today. I woke up at 6AM from a phonecall from my dad. I tried to go back to sleep but i just ended up lying down on my bed and listened to Taking Back Sunday, both Brand New albums and the entire mixtape Donovan made me. And that's when i decided to play The Spotlight Syndicate on Cougar Commentary (Mannequin/New Erotic Science). And then at around 10AM i finally got up and took a shower and did the entire family's laundry. Lazy ass bitches. >[ And then i just sat around and watched music videos on FUSE and some of HBO all day. And then i listened to that Fearless/Victory Records sampler Donovan gave to me, (he is so greeeaaat ;]).I already heard of all the bands that were on there, and the only ones i like are Anatomy Of A Ghost, Plain White T's and THE KINISON. The Kinison is good, they've been to Reno twice and i missed them both times because i never have rides, and Anatomy Of A Ghost was just here less than 2 weeks ago, and again, i didn't have a ride. My life sucks. I really need to get a car.
I'm contemplating whether i should do this government research thing for English. My partner Chris said he would email me all the info and i could just write them down, but he hasn't yet. grrrr, i'm so upset. I'm too lazy to research on my own. ah, school sucks.