A couple of weeks ago the rumor was going around that the new Doctor Who companion was the daughter of TenII/Cloen/Handy and Rose. (And like 95% of Doctor Who rumors, it was fairly quickly disproved.)
Well as the Doctor and Rose never really planned anything, I see any children as being accidents. Of course, I see it as happy accidents with a side of angst for TenII because I think he more than likely goes to angst land periodically while living in Pete's World. I agree with amberfocus, they take family trips together and the kids do a lot of eye rolling while their father takes wrong turns or ticks someone off and they all have to run for it.
I don't doubt the kids would be different. Personally, I find it hard to believe that Rose absorbed the Time Vortex and was untouched by it. Sorry, but I just can't buy that Nine pulled it all out of her with no consequences or changes to her. That being said, I think two beings sensitive to time and telepathic (to differing degrees - yes, I think Rose was telepathic/empathic) would produce offspring with those capabilities. Yep, they are definitely super smart too.
As to how they would end up with Eleven, well that would be an accident. These are essentially the Doctor and Rose's children - hello jeopardy friendly kids. I suppose if things were bad or they were in danger, I could see TenII finding a way to send them back to the other universe with an Emergency Program 1 type message on who to trust and who to avoid. Giggles at the lecture on "Uncle Jack."
I think Eleven would be fascinated, leery and a whole bundle of other things. He might take them on as a duty type thing and to make sure they didn't blow up the universe.
I would totally love to see the kids meet Uncle Jack. And they have all these stories that Cloen and Rose told them. Like, all his naked stories. But wildly embellished. Uncle Jack would be a disappointment.
I don't doubt the kids would be different. Personally, I find it hard to believe that Rose absorbed the Time Vortex and was untouched by it. Sorry, but I just can't buy that Nine pulled it all out of her with no consequences or changes to her. That being said, I think two beings sensitive to time and telepathic (to differing degrees - yes, I think Rose was telepathic/empathic) would produce offspring with those capabilities. Yep, they are definitely super smart too.
As to how they would end up with Eleven, well that would be an accident. These are essentially the Doctor and Rose's children - hello jeopardy friendly kids. I suppose if things were bad or they were in danger, I could see TenII finding a way to send them back to the other universe with an Emergency Program 1 type message on who to trust and who to avoid. Giggles at the lecture on "Uncle Jack."
I think Eleven would be fascinated, leery and a whole bundle of other things. He might take them on as a duty type thing and to make sure they didn't blow up the universe.
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