7::365:::DECORATING MY LIFE, originally uploaded by
dana rae.
in honor of it being friday the 13th.
i made art with lots of hearts that i will deliver tomorrow.
its now day 7 of a photo every day. and i enjoy what its doing to me. focusing on sometimes simple things that occur or come up in my life. documenting it. i'm afraid my memory is so shot that it truly is great to visually see it. days. months. years later.
i'm tired and for some reason keep getting headaches again.
insert the unknown stress that my body tells me i'm feeling.
cheers to being single on valentines day and it reminding me of when i first moved to pdx and had sooo much energy for friend love and portland love. will that return with the sun? or that self help book i should search out at powell's with my x-mas gift card?
either way i'm slowly enjoying returning to it. and with each hug and "i haven't seen you in forever" i'm reminded why it feels good to see folks. how i enjoy sitting at a coffee shop for hours just simply seeing who comes in the door next. or what cooking with a person can do to remind you of all the stories there are to share with people about your life. and how great it feels to hear someone's stories about their life.
this is me walking down memory lane and wanting to linger a bit.