Mar 16, 2016 17:39

Each and every person is unique and beautiful in a profound way. I see it, and respect it, and can help you see it and flourish.

My name is Nadezhda Isaenko. I've always dreamed to have a job which would help people achieve unconditional deep happiness and which focuses on the non-dual practices. So now I'm a transpersonal body-oriented therapist, existential analysis therapist, conflict and stress management consultant, an embodiment coach, Qi Gong teacher, and if needed I add Tarot system to consultations. I also work as a holistic massage (since 2011) and cranial sacral therapy practitioner (since 2015). I can guide you on the path of your self-discovery and self-fulfillment, be there through the darkest and brightest moments, when lost or hurt, help connect with the most inner depth and resourses. I use different methods tailored to meet the unique needs of each client.

Degrees and credentials

MA in psychology and existential analysis and logotherapy (GLE-International certificate, 2015), certified in SOLWI-therapy (a patented method, transpersonal body-oriented method, 2011,, Life Span Integration method (2013), systematic family constellations, art-therapy (2010), process work (2010), EMDR (2012), psychosynthesis (2010), Sing Shen Juan and 14 Meridians Qi Gong, Taoist practices for women instructor (2015), embodiment coach trainee (current).
All my diplomas and certificates are listed here:

Work experience

Private practice since 2011 as a therapist and holistic massage specialist.
Nowadays I also facilitate healing dance-n-art group; existential analysis self-experience group for teenagers.
Organized and facilitated several short and long term workshops one of which took place on the Olkhon Island of Lake Baikal.
I also volunteer as a therapist and consulting psychologist in the project «Children 404» for LGBTQ teenagers, in the project for women in crisis or suffering abuse.

Everything I do is based on methods which integrate Western and Eastern therapeutic practices rooted in Taoist and existential philosophy. This holistic approach transcends the physical, the psychological, and the spiritual and leads to self-transformation, enabling one to progress to life with inner consent, filled with more freedom and responsibility;), vitality, authenticity, self-value and expression, connection to oneself and others in a deep way, feeling safe, trusting oneself and the world, with courage to live … and discover non-doing :)

Through consultations and coaching, I help people:

  • understand oneself better,
  • become more embodied,
  • overcome fears,
  • keep focused on what's really important for them,
  • discover Creative Energy and achieve life goals,
  • while realizing personal growth,
  • improve ability to recognize, understand, and deal with emotions, conflicts and stress in more productive ways.

In therapy
we work with deeper issues and wounds, abuse and other traumas, depression, anxiety, shock, grief, guilt, life choices. We heal childhood traumas which bring current patterns in life. We integrate the Shadow qualities and resources which are needed now. We work on self-esteem and value, acceptance, forgiveness, creating closeness and understanding in family. It's a person-oriented psychotherapy, with the aim of leading the person to (mentally and emotionally) free experiences, to facilitate authentic decisions and to bring about a truly responsible way of dealing with life and the world, it combines a great respect for a person’s individual life choices with therapeutically effective means. And the phenomenological approach allows me to take all possible aspects of an individual’s experience into consideration.

Depending on your aspiration and goals, my integral approach will help you to achieve, in your own pace, the «result» in a few sessions, althoug in some cases only long term therapy (more than 6 month 2-3 times a month) can give a profound and sustainable change of the quality of life.

Personal experience

I started my adult life as an international lawyer with deep disconnection with myself and my body, not dealt with traumas, in existential vacuum, struggling with depression (which I didn't know about, because it's kind of a «Russian thing» to suffer;), non-healthy relationships, addictive behavior etc, but with a strong instinct, the calling to something different and the will to find and do something more corresponding with my spirit. So I've made a long way to come to the point I am now an I've walked many passages, routs and traits of this path towards connecting to myself, my vital and spiritual power. Along the way I even learnt to use shamanic methods to work with myself and others. My hobby is Qi Gong, contact improvisation, dance, ideokinesis, Feldenkrais method, rock climbing, skate, surf and snowboarding, sustainable development and eco-living.

My personal experience and practice helped me form a unique aproach and methods which I believe you will find useful wether you are at the beginning or deep in… the woods of your path.

in english, О моей работе, about my work

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