Fox news has uncovered that Barack Obama is a secret muslim. Not only this, but his middle name is "HUSSEIN!" All of this could mean that he is a secret terrorist that hates Christians and wants to destroy the United States... well it could couldn't it? He's muslim after all. Not only that, but he is, get this, a smoker! What else is he hiding? Bombs!? Barack is only a presidential candidate because he is black. We all know how the American public priveledges black people and Obama is just an example of how being black makes you more desirable to the American public. For cripes sakes, stop calling this news. FOX "news" is a disgrace to all journalists. How did we get here? I can only think that it is fear. Fear of muslims. Fear of blacks. Fear of even cigarettes. Stop the ideology. Give me the news. Stop the fear-mongering and give the facts.
FOX, CNN, you're goddamn ridiculous. I'm watching the BBC because it still has a shred of integrity.