Name: David Wilcox
Birth date: February 6, 1987
Eye Color: I'm not exactly sure what to call it. Hazel? You might want to ask someone who's not colorblind.
Hair Color: black/really dark brown
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Favorite music: whatever I find interesting, really. Lately I've been into stuff that's heavily influenced by the Beatles/Beach Boys and the whole 60s psychedelic pop movement. Also a lot of acoustic guitar-based stuff, and things that are just weird (the new Liars album).
Your weakness: music, and girls who like the same music I do.
Your fears: death, heights, getting into situations where I'll have to talk to people I'm not sure I can really hold a decent conversation with (based on the expectation that it will be awkward)
Your perfect pizza: twisted crust pizza. Bring it back, Pizza Hut.
Goal you'd like to achieve: having a solid idea of how I want to spend my life, being completely comfortable with myself, having someone who I want to spend all of my time with (and who wants to do the same with me)
Your most overused phrase: I have no idea. If I overuse a phrase, comment and tell me what it is. Maybe I'll tone it down.
Your thoughts first waking up: "shit, I slept through astronomy again."
Your best physical feature: my face.
Your bedtime: it's been really variable lately. Sometimes it's 11 in the morning, sometimes it's midnight.
Most missed memory: having really close friends (people I could say I was mutually best friends with).
Pepsi or Coke: diet cherry coke
McDonald's or Burger King: Wendy's, obviously.
Adidas or Nike: I don't really care.
Lipton Tea or Nestea: I'm not a tea man.
Chocolate or vanilla: french vanilla.
Cappuccino or coffee: I'm not into all that coffee business.
Swear: yeah, probably too much.
Take a shower: yes, I take a shower.
Think you've been in love: no, I definitely haven't.
Like(d) high school: it was fun while it lasted. There are things I wish I'd done differently, but on the whole (especially senior year) I enjoyed myself.
Want to get married: yeah, that'd be good.
Believe in yourself: I can usually get things done if I need to, but I don't challenge myself enough for there to be a whole lot of possibility for failure anyways.
Get motion sickness: nope.
Get along with your parents: we get along, but it's not as comfortable a relationship as I'd like it to be. They really don't know anything about things that go on in my life and I don't know a whole lot about them, either.
Gone on a date: nope.
Gone to the mall: I think it's been more than a month.
Been on stage: no.
Eaten Sushi: I've never eaten sushi, actually.
Been dumped: nope.
Gone skating: no, but eventually I'll get around to buying these
elite retractable roller shoes and then things are going to change.
Gone skinny dipping: nope.
Dyed your hair: nope.
Taken off your clothes in a game: nope.
Gotten beaten up: I got punched in the face in elementary school when I was playing make-believe Mortal Kombat, and I wasn't sure which one of my friends did it, so I kicked them both in the nuts.
Changed who you were to fit in: no, but there are a few points at which I think I probably should have. I don't think I turned out too bad, though.
Age you hope to be married: 25
Describe your dream wedding: I haven't really ever thought about it.
Best eye color?: honestly, I don't pay a lot of attention to eye color. I probably wouldn't be able to tell you off the top of my head the eye color of people I see almost every day.
Best hair color?: usually something dark.
Short or long hair: medium to long.
Best first date location: depends on the girl, I'd say. But mini golf would be cool.
Number of people I can trust: somewhere between 2 and 10. I'm not really sure.
Number of CD's: around 120, but I can't ever stop myself from buying more so the number will continue to rise drastically.
Number of piercings: just one, in my left ear.
Number of tattoos: none, and I don't think I'll ever get one.
Number of times your names been in a newspaper: probably 2 or less.
Random Questions*
1) Who is the last person you high-fived? it was probably Lauranne, since she's the one who does most of the high-fiving around here.
2) When was the last time you saw one of your parents? it's been a really long time. Spring break, I think.
4) Do you wear cologne/perfume? nope.
5) Do you wear deodorant? yeah, but I don't like the kind I have. It gets onto the armpits of my shirts and makes it look like I'm a sweaty bastard sometimes.
6) Do you 'clean up nice'? not sure. Hopefully?
7) When was the last time you tripped and fell? I don't remember, but I do remember the last time Gilbert tripped and fell.
8) Where was the last place you slept besides your home? have I slept anywhere else? I don't think I have, at least not since I was dating Maria.
9) What are you listening to? The Microphones - The Glow Pt. 2
10) Have you ever started an uncontrollable fire? nope.
12) Would you rather cut the grass or rake the leaves? cut the grass.
13) Your last name spelled backwards? xocliw
14) What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer? not sure.
15) Last time you swam in a pool? over spring break, at that RV park/campground in the Keys.
16) Have you ever been in a school play? yeah, I was in a shitload of them when I was a kid. I'm a decent actor and I can memorize lines really well.
17) How many kids do you want to put in the dumpster? less than 5, I think.
18) Type of music you dislike most? most of the things they play on the TVs the marketplace, metal, stuff with a shitload of screaming.
19) You registered to vote? I don't think I am, actually.
20) Who wrote the book of love? according to, it was Diane Ackerman and Jeanne MacKin:
The Book of Love21) Ever prank call anybody? I must have prank called a million people last summer.