Apr 19, 2008 04:11




ASAGI - New Years - 08-01-05

The New Year is pilling, sorry - Happy New Years, right! (laughs)


Everybody is healing comfortably from the normal fatigue, those who are close in some respects are departing, and as much as one wants enjoyment, [and as much as one wants, enjoyment (something) might it be?).


Again, regardless of the New Year's holiday, everybody was striving to work, many thanks - it was much appreciated.


Last year, I was indebted to much of you, and I really thank you for the support to the top.


12/29, the live of the Beat Shuffle Organization (sponsorship) of Omiya was much appreciated!


The event of (hisakata buri) was live, appropriate for the end of the 2007 year, the live was enjoyable.


Therefore, this year, we want to try our best; we are pleased to meet you.


Well then, my New Year's holiday.


It's been a long while since I have considered a long time of absence (in order to) return home. As a matter of fact, because at the end of year, the physical condition of pilling-sama was not surpassed, there was no homecoming.


Nonetheless, every nook and corner of the house was spring-cleaned, the lunch of New Year's Eve was broadcasting, I saw all of "fuurinkazan"'s highlights, ate manderin oranges, the transmission of CC was 100%, I watched some DVDs. It was (by no means, rather) what you would expect of a New Year's holiday (laughs).


Eventually to the evening of the thirtieth day, departing to the familiarity of the animal hospital, as far as one quarter of the morning also for a small amount left to go outside. It was from the outset, Mi-nya-kun.


The reason is that I recognized it at the time of giving a shampoo (to the cat), I felt what seemed to be a small thing swelling in the neck.


The tumor of the cat, it appears like a thing of malignancy.


If by any chance, the worst case (........), on the night of the 30th day I decided to go to the animal hospital.


The result is not in a tumor, the lymph gland close to the ear was swollen a little.


From now on, there is no change to the swelling until about a week - (and) I am to examine (it) by hand, if there is no mutation, there is no problem.
[technical word "palpation" - "examination by hand"...]

Mi-nya-kun is doing well!!!


At once (for the time being), with this feeling of relief I feel no sooner than that next time the state of Donna-chan is strange...


The abdomen I saw and felt a part where there was a stone, although (I have only) a layperson's judgement, I thought it was the same cystitis from half a year before.

From 12/31 to 1/3, because there were no medical examinations at the animal hospital, for the time being, at the house, there were antibiotics in reserve of perscribed medicine: Cipro xanthine oxidase.


The reason is that it's been a long time since seeing the appearance (of the cysts), I'm afraid to say that previously there had been no effectiveness.


And then, the first thing in the morning of the 1/4, I once again went to the animal hospital.


The doctor gave the injections, a few strength Hoss sewing machine, returning home.


Rarely the side effect appears but (I) asked because I was worried, a short time later, there was a good reaction!


To ensure medicine takes effect (came), Donna-chan also sleeping soundly and did not want to sleep or eat, however (Donna) is not in perfect form as usual, however, for the time being,  I feel relieved. Donna-chan is doing well!!!.


Because the end of the year, concerning the New Year, there seem to be various busy events in the world, I, as I thought, it was not (your) ordinary day - but it was still the best.


ASAGI - Lolita - 08-02-08

[unknown]. Perhaps covering the event subject fashion, concering the fondness of the music movement, I think.

撮影時期が急だったり、などなど色々と厳しい点もあるので中々難しいとは思いますが、我こそは薔薇の申し子! 参加してやろうじゃない! と言う粋なGoth/Lolitaな方々は是非是非ご応募してみて下さいね!

The photography time was urgent, [-] various and austere marks also there are considerably difficult, I think, my [-] rose of the heaven sent child! Participation did I guess is not! And to call chic Goth/Lolita they/you, certainly (go) application do see please!


Somehow or the other, in recent years overseas, the bands of visual kei and goth, it appears like they are doing Lolita fashion.

Because in the letters of foreign people, overseas they are doing cover bands of D, how they are doing cosplay talk also hearing in is.

What the reason is, to have such interest in this small island of Japan - I am exceedingly grateful!

I am also interested in the cultures of people abroad and am all the more happy and pleased.

Most likely covering the subject of fashion, concerning the fondness of the music movement, I think. The photography time was urgent.... I did not guess on participation! And they called Goth/Lolita chic....Somehow or the other in recent years, overseas, the bands of visual kei and goth - it appears like they (overseas) are doing Lolita fashion. Because in the letters of foreign people, overseas they are doing cover bands of D - and we hear talk of how they are doing cosplay (?). Whatever the reason is, to have such interest in this small island of Japan - I am exceedingly grateful! I am also interested in the cultures of people abroad and am all the more happy and pleased.


This section will probably have the slowest updates since this is the most difficult. v.v However, if you have anything to add to this, I am more than willing to take donations~! It will always be greatly appreciated~! Also, accreditation will be given~!

Some of the translations have been done by me... as such, they are definitely NOT complete - and if you have any corrections to make, those are also welcome~! (Also, a little explanation as to why, would be nice~!)

Hope to see you around~!

*Please no stealing - always credit this section, whoever it is~!

asagi, web diaries, translation

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