Go away, come back another day...

Jan 28, 2005 12:32

Laurel Canyon Blvd,. L.A., 1.28.05 [photo: d_orlando]
... come back like in the Summer when we really need the rain!

Here we go. Raining hard again. Are there any more trees to fall down? More mud to slip down the hills again? Just yesterday I was stuck on Mulholland Drive behind traffic that looked like the freeway at rush hour. It seems that Coldwater Canyon, my normal escape route when Laurel Canyon is blocked, is still in a state of repair. Of course I found that out after I turned around, then returned to the line of cars. I have this innate inability to wait in traffic. I will back track, circle around, wend my way through residential streets, traverse corner gas stations, rather than wait, stuck on freeway or highways. As long as I have a sense of moving forward, it doesn't matter if it took longer than waiting.

And now it's starting to rain again. From the moment I could hear the pitter-patter on the roof, I got this overwhelming sense of dread. Chalk it up to the previous week's power shortage, downed telephone line, loss of DSL and cabin fever. This homey don't like being stuck at home when the weather is foul.

I'm whining, and back East you're freezing your asses! Pardon my silly rant.
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