You know how sometimes people on your friendslist post about stuff going on in their life, and all of a sudden you think "Wait a minute? Since when were they working THERE? Since when were they dating HIM/HER? Since when???" And then you wonder how you could have missed all that seemingly pretty standard information, but somehow you feel too ashamed to ask for clarification because it seems like info you should already know? It happens to all of us sometimes.
1. First Name
2. Age
21 years and counting
3. Location
I live in Hamilton, Ontario, to complement my attendance of McMaster University. Before that, I lived in Niagara Falls with my parents. Not exactly sure where I'm gonna be come September
4. Occupation
Biology student! Once I graduate, I'm going to seek work as a conservation technician, or preferably, a nature interpreter at the Royal Botanical Gardens or another such attraction. I'll probably return to school to do a two year Masters degree in museum studies, as my dream job would be to design natural history/biodiversity exhibits.
EDIT: How could I forget that right now I'm working in the Map Collections of one of my school libraries? I work as a "GIS Student Assistant", so I spend most of my time improving our geospatial database, as well as preparing geospatial data deliveries for GIS students (it's not nearly as hard as it might sound).
5. Partner
Oh no. Although I my start making more of an effort to find one soon.
6. Kids
I'm really not keen on breeding, but I like working with kids and teenagers. Hopefully I'll be able to align my work with this, through museum work or interpretation.
7. Brothers/Sisters
I have a sister who's 18. She's a first year student attending the same University as me. She is extremely mature and we have a lot of similar interests, so as you might guess, we get along famously. I also have younger brothers who are 13 (twins). They're really crazy sometimes, but very intelligent for their age. We all share a very similar sense of humour.
8. Pets
At my parents' house we have a Shih Tzu dog named Mei. She doesn't really like to cuddle, but she's very cute. Despite her age (10 years) she is still sometimes energetic and playful. I also have a pet Madagascar hissing cockroach named Max. He's intense! @_@
9. List the 3-5 biggest things going on in your life
1) Lots of big stuff going on with school. I'm doing a senior research project on the relationship between insects and the birds that eat them in wetland habitats. I'll be graduating in June, and my immediate plans after that have already been detailed above in question 4.
2) I've been getting more involved with OPIRG (Ontario Public Interest Research Group). Our class made its own PIRG called "The Biodiversity Guild", which does fundraising and awareness-raising for social/environmental issues, especially those concerning threatened/endangered species. Lately I've really gotten into designing and running workshops for conferences like the Youth Peace Education Conference and the Global Citizenship Conference
3) My con schedule for next year is a bit fuzzy. I'm definitely going to MAGFest in January and Furry Fiesta in February. I won't be going to Anthrocon because it coincides with my brothers' graduation, nor will I be attending Furry Connection North because it coincides with my finals and my presentation/final paper due date for my research project. I fully intend to go to Camp Feral!, unless something like an amazing job opportunity prevents me from doing so.
4) Perhaps the most exciting of all: I'm going to the Philippines with my roommate Jed and his family in the summer! They're going to celebrate his grandfather's birthday, and apparently it's gonna be the biggest party ever. Also, Jed's uncle works for some sort of conservation authority there, so maybe I'll get to do some work fighting off invasive species or something like that.
10. Parents
My mother works as a relationship counselor, and also as a mediator at the courthouse. My dad is a professional engineer, and does fire protection consulting. They are very different people with different strengths and qualities, and I feel that together, they did a great job teaching me how to conduct myself and how to treat others. I'm very open with them, and enjoy spending time with them.
11. Who are some of your closest friends?
I believe that the closest friendships stem from good talk, and misadventures. That being said, my closest friends are my long-standing buddy Renard, my university roommate Jed, another dorm friend Danielle, and my chat-forever friend from high school Leanne.