Hilarious Racism (Spoilers for the Cube movie series)

Jan 11, 2009 14:41

Jed has invented a new holiday:  the first weekend back from winter break is officially Arbitrary Holiday.  In the popular sense of the word, Arbitrary Holiday isn't so arbitrary, since there is logic behind the choice of date of occurrence.  According to dictionary.com, however, arbitrary can also mean "subject to individual will or judgment without restriction", which fits the bill, considering he totally made up the holiday on his own.

The purpose of Arbitrary Holiday is to have a great time with your friends on the first weekend back to school.  Since everyone went home to their respective families and respective cities, they probably didn't get to spend too much time with their school friends over the winter holiday break, and New Years.  The holiday takes place as soon as we get back, because everyone should be available, and not have too much homework yet.

The itinerary of the holiday includes consuming alcohol while baking desserts and listening to music, then watching bad movies.  The alcohol was mostly leftover stuff from last year: Cheap red wine, some peach schnapps, Captain Morgan and some cans of Canadian.  I think the only new alcohol we consumed was the 375mL bottle of white wine that Val brought over.  We didn't have a corkscrew (Dave and Amber know what I'm talking about), so we had to mission the bottle open with a knife (in a less explosive manner than I did last summer), and when it was finally open, I remembered that I had a corkscrew upstairs that I received for Christmas ^^;

We baked these crazy mofo brownies that had two kinds of chocolate chips, marshmallows and walnuts in it, and also a white cake.  The brownies were so delicious that no one has even touched the cake yet =)

As for the bad movies, we watched the Cube movies.  We kinda sorta wanted to have a Cube marathon, but we unanimously decided that Cube 2 is fucking terrible so we omitted it.  For the uninitiated, Cube is a Canadian film about a bunch of people trapped in this giant deadly math puzzle made of a series of cubes.  It kind of has a Saw sort of feel, and some neat deaths.  The point of the story is that both Cube and Cube Zero have a token black guy in the puzzle, and in both movies, he ends up going berserk and killing people.  We thought it was racist (albeit in a more acceptable manner) to do this in one film, but to do it in both of them? well... that's a little unusual.

So, is Canada racist?  WHATEVERRR!!! It was pretty funny though =)

friends, holidays, movies

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