Jungian Archetype Crisis

Dec 08, 2008 20:06

According to my latest quiz, my Jungian archetype is INFP, with the strongest point being the I: Introverted.  The quizzes reflected what I believed of myself:  I thought of all 8 of those words, the one that defines me best was "Introverted".

In summary, introverts are the quiet types who prefer small group activities over big parties. When you boil it down, it has to do with from where one draws their energy:  Introverts draw their energy from within, while Extroverts draw their energy from others.  I seemed to fit the bill pretty well, because I know that I can get pretty tired of people if I spend too much time with them, and I also enjoyed having a lot of time to myself.

But lately, things have been different.  I've been getting more alone time than ever, but I'm also feeling more lethargic and uninspired than ever.  This could be due to a number of things:  I haven't been very physically active lately, nor have I been eating much/properly.  I've been so eager to spend time with my housemates and other friends, because when I'm alone, I just loll around the internet and don't do any of my work until the last minute.  I was having the titular crisis "ZOMG AM I BECOMING EXTROVERTED D:"  but I think I've just been missin' the folks I haven't seen in a while.  I did get to spend some time with Ron when I went home, but I went right back to feeling ~meh~ when I came back to school.

I think the problem will be solved over the xmas break.  I have 2.5 weeks off school and I've somehow managed to pack 3 roadtrips in there (and still be home for Christmas).  I think spending a lot of quality time with my friends and family will get me out of this rut.

It's just too bad that all that happens after exams! >_<

I hope there are no snow days on my exam days.  This equates to exams being deferred to Reading Week, during which I already have a major engagement >.>
*knocks on wood*

I haven't even talked about Christmas yet.  That shall come in an upcoming entry

exams, school, friends, family

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