An interesting set of priorities

Nov 10, 2008 23:12

So, Dave and I were planning on going to the Toronto furmeet (to take place on Nov. 8) for months.

Then, he had made plans to visit Amber from mid Oct. to mid Dec., obviously ousting himself from the plan.

No problem, though.  I was so totally set on going, especially since I had had such a mother of a school week (I gave a 50 minute presentation on friday afternoon @_@ )

However, on Thursday night, I was chatting on MSN with a fur from my school whom I had just met.  I had invited him to come along, since I felt kind of silly driving by myself in my mom's gargatuvan.  He had told me rather starkly "I'm not going; I've been told to avoid the Toronto meets"

Awww crap...

At this point I was kind of feeling "blah" about going.  I had also planned to buy Fallout 3 that weekend, and part of me just wanted to stay home and play that all weekend.  However, I had made provisions to borrow the van for the weekend, so I figured I'd better do something (besides drive to the grocery store)

"Jed... I'm not going to the furmeet"
"aww.. why not?"
"Well, I feel kinda weird about going by myself"
"ehh... maybe that's a good idea"
" you want to go to Ajisen Ramen?"

The story is:  Jed and I used to frequent a ramen restaurant here in Hamilton, but about a year ago it closed down and was turned into (yet another) lacklustre all-you-can-eat sushi place.  Sadly, that was the only ramen restaurant in Hamilton.

So, about this Ajisen Ramen.  We definitely needed our own vehicle to get there, because it's in Markham (~1 hour away, ended up being nearly 2 hours with the traffic).

tl;dr  skipped a furmeet so I could go somewhere further away to eat japanese noodle soup
and I don't regret it  =D


I went to the gym for the first time in like a month and a half.  I think a couple things catalyzed this:

1. I got groceries.  groceries = food = calories = energy to move
2. I finished that aforementioned mother of a presentation, plus the last of my midterms, so school has eased up a little bit (until exams XD)

It was good, though, and I think I'm going to go again tomorrow.
After all this time of not going to the gym, I weigh the same that I did when I stopped going regularly (mid-August).  The problem with this is that I've lost all my muscle, and evidently replaced it with fat.  The reason I started back up now and not in January in the new semester is because, I don't want to be one of those cliché people who joins in January and then stops going after one week.  Granted, I've started and stopped the gym more times than I can keep track of, so I really shouldn't talk =P


So yes, there were aforementioned furries from my school (well, only one was aforementioned).  But yes!  Through the Toronto furlist+ pounced I've come into contact with 3 furries at Mac (and apparently there are more!).  The one gentleman I've been talking to since last semester, albeit very infrequently, but we finally met more coffee a couple weeks ago, and had rather stimulating conservation (and I don't mean the kind of "stimulating conversation" that furries are best known for).  The other two I have only spoken to once or twice online, but I will be meeting with at least one of them at OSAMU on Friday (OSAMU = Otaku Society for Anime at Mcmaster University).  I find it kind of ironic that I'm going to an anime club to meet furries, but I gues there is substantial overlap between the fandoms


So, I've rambled on hugely about my life as of late.  I have a HUGE day at school tomorrow (two remote sensing assignments, plus an ecology lab write up).  I'll be very grateful once these things are done.  I don't think there is anything else horrible on the horizon, until exams.  I've heard from many sources that the remote sensing exam is the worst exam I will ever write in university.  Great, eh?  Well, it is my last exam, so I certainly have that to be grateful for.

I'm almost counting the days until Christmas break XD

alright!  no more talkie.  Thanks for reading, and see you all... sometime!

ramen, lolfurry, furries, gym, school, friends

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