Phase Complete

Aug 31, 2008 00:43

I've noticed that my life comes to me in neat, 4 month phases: A year is divided into two 4-month semesters, and a 4-month summer.  Well, I'm basically in the twilight of two phases right now.  Tomorrow is my last day of work at SAB (*tear*) and I'm moving to my new house tomorrow night.  I have a two day mini vacation, then Clubsfest all day Wednesday, and first day of classes is Thursday.  Huzzah!

The summer really flew by.  I think  this can mostly be attributed to the relative lack of drama in the household, and my significantly less stressful job.  Last summer I was having rather tumultuous times with my sister's boyfriend, in concert with a job that was stressful enough such that I once broke down and started crying right in the restaurant.  Working as a host(ess), it's basically your job to get shit on by everyone (customers and co-workers alike) over things which are hardly under your control.  Even though this year I'm only making ~80% of the wage I was making last year, I wouldn'tv'e been able to handle another.  Working at SAB was great.  I only had 5 co-workers, but coincidentally, there was essentially zero workplace drama.  Not to mention all the free time I have too.  I finished reading endgame (~450 pages) simply during downtimes when minding the shop, and during each tour I get a 15 minute break to either do sudoku or just daydream while the group watches the video.  I applied for a transfer to the Butterfly Conservatory next season because it's a lot more career related, but I don't think I'll have another job as pillowy as this one for a long while.

MGD Party: What a great way to ring in the summer, and celebrate my 20th birthday to boot.  Back in the days of yore, my friend and I were planning a trip to Japan which would have occurred right at this time.  To be honest, I think hosting the MGD Party and meeting lots of cool new people was definitely worth staying in the country.  To JS, Jayden and Bix: eating at that sketchy diner in Buffalo with you guys at 3am was a weird and almost ethereal experience, and I enjoyed every second of it.

Summer Trips!:  Since I (more or less) swore off buying stuff this summer, a lot of my disposable income was spent on excursions.  The most prominent one is probably Anthrocon.  It was a weird experience, coming back to the Westin and having everything be exactly like it was last year.  It felt like AC had never left, and I had just come back to it again.  Sleeping arrangements were... memorable....  It was great to see some otherwise distant friends again, as well as make some new ones.  2 and Kage had spectacular performances.  FULL FOX CONSECKWENCES happened with Ian <3, and I bought Circles, badges, and PORN.

The summer was also dotted with visits to Hamilton to chilly-o with a certain MGD exec.  Sometimes playing pop'n music right through the night, lots of MGD3, and of course a bunch of sitting around watching movies and CROSSWORDS.  These weekends were like little vacations, getting away from it all.  I also had the pleasure of meeting his fiancee, who I hold responsible for our viewing of Beyond the Wall of Sleep <3

Field Biology:  Spent two weeks completely away from civilization, learning about flowering plants and insects. I had a hilariously crappy cabin for the first week, and had my first real "ghost" experience (I believe in ghosts now by the way).  I made a few great friends, a couple of which fortunately attend my University.

I also saw Kathy Griffin Live at Massey Hall in Toronto.  She's a total bitch and a hag and I LOVED it.


I'm really tired and I can't think of more to say.  I'm excited to move into my new house, and for some old friends to become new housemates.  I'm excited for what the fall term has to offer, but I'm also eagerly peering over the horizon for what's more to come :)

Thanks for reading~

mgd, school, friends, anthrocon, memories, work, trips

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