Things that make me LOSE THE GAME:

Aug 02, 2008 18:23

I lose the game so many times over the course of a day, and I lose about twice as often when in the presence of Renard.  Here's a list, and I'll do my best to explain each point.

1) FedEx: This one's a little complicated.  My friend Michael pointed out to me that the FedEx logo creates an arrow between the E and the x, and he said that "that's all you'll ever notice from now on".  Since he is the friend from whom I learned about the game, I made the extension that I lose the game whenever I think of FedEx

2) UPS: This is an extension to FedEx, courtesy of Rasasha.

3) Traffic Cones:  I learned this one from Renard.  He just said "dodging traffic cones is kinda like a game, right?" and it stuck.  I noticed that the G-Man in The Idiots of Garry's Mod 2 is wearing a traffic cone on his head, so perhaps it has further origins.

4) GOLD RUSH: this song is so terrible that Renard decided to lose the game whenever he thought of it.  Unfortunately, this extends to IIDX GOLD in general, since GOLD RUSH is the menu music.

5) DO IT!! DO IT!!: Similar to GOLD RUSH, this hilariously bad song elicits a game loss.  This one has some nasty extensions...

6) The Game (the song on ITG2): If you can't figure this one out, then losing the game is the least of your worries

-5.1) someone exclaiming Do it!:  This one's pretty obvious
-5.2) Seagulls: For those of you who haven't heard the song, the music stops halfway through, and then for some reason there are seagull noises.  This wouldn't be so bad, except for the fact that there are always seagulls flying around the AV room at my work, and I go down there once every hour >.<

6) Orange Cars: if you've played PRO-AM Racing on NES, you know about the Orange Car, which sometimes decides to go so fast that it's impossible for you to catch up (BWEEEEE!!!!).  I can thank Renard for this connection as well.

7) Seeing Warchamp on "Away" status on AIM:  I don't know why this happened.  I think I used to lose the game on purpose when I saw him online, and then left him the message,  Eventually, it stuck.

and probably the post hilarious one of all

8) Exclaiming "Fuck!" in Renard's presence:  We lose the game a lot when we're together, and we would always say "Fuck!" when we lost.  It eventually got to a point where if we said it for any reason at all, we would lose.


So, that's all I can think of right now.  If you have any horrible connections you'd like to share with me, then by all means, divulge.

the game

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