New Arrival

Jul 25, 2008 21:04

My sister has been away in Switzerland for 4 weeks, and she's coming home tomorrow.  As excited as I am to see her again, I am also very excited because she is bringing a Swiss boy with her!

Yeah, we're gonna have an exchange student living at our house for 4 weeks.  Unfortunately, I'm only gonna be here for half the time, because I'm leaving for summer school on August 10th.  It will be fun to speak English with him, and do touristy Niagara Falls stuff.  He's only 14 though, so he's really still a kid (I suppose I'm gonna hafta start wearing pants around the house)

Speaking of summer school, I have to prepare a seminar before I go, and I haven't even started researching yet.  School hasn't even started yet and I'm already procrastinating ^^;

I am excited for school to start though.  This year's courses sound a lot more interesting, plus I'm gonna be a TA!  I used to be kind of anxious about doing weekly tutorials for first year, but working as a tour guide has made me a lot more comfortable with both rehearsed and on-the-fly public speaking.


oh, and I'm going to see Kathy Griffin live in Toronto.  I never knew this until recently, but she's a total bitch and a faghag, and her stand-up is completely vulgar

...I can't wait =D


Beyond the Wall of Sleep is so bad that it loops around to good, then loops all the way back around to bad again, then completes its journey at good again.

comedy, school, family, movies, ta

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