Title: The Magic of Life (Gemini Arc) Prologue
Rating: Pg-13
Paring: Orig.
Disclaimer: World mostly not mine belonging to the BBC and the original Authors of the Arthurian Legends. Village, random people all mine!
Word Count: 665
Warnings: Merlin AU, Incest, H/c,
Summary: All tales have to begin somewhere though time stretches ever on in both directions, Herein we meet the Twins, a snapshot into a mind. Here begins the Gemini Arc
Note: My own little Merlin AU, Note Merlin and Arthur won't be in this until the Virgo Arc, At least not as major players. Skip if you want i Suppose but I happen to enjoy the story :P hence the writing it. Beta read by the Wonderful,
goddesskeket thank you!
Sometimes he could almost see again the vivid colours of spring, the stark grey of winter, the smiling face, almost the same as his except for the higher numbers of sun made freckles and the scar on the upper lip. That body both like his own and different, again more of those little brown dots but also bigger stronger and with a faint spattering of scars. Their male organs were the same though, despite the body differences, twin obelisks of flesh erupting from dusky red curls. Sometimes the memories, for that is what they were, were so vivid that as they kissed under the sun dappled branches of the fragrant apple tree in bloom, he believed it was real and he could see again.
Then he would blink or gasp or shudder and the illusion was shattered the world descending back into the blackness. It wasn't even that he minded the swirling grey dark, with its flashes of dancing aura that was his life now. More it was the sensation, almost wrenching, of being ripped back into the dark after such beautiful sights, it hurt, burned like the fire had. Sometimes it made his heart weep from the pain of the loss and sometimes those tears filled his heart and spilled from his ruined eyes. During those times he would feel the body against his shift and warm strong arms would curl around him holding him rocking softly, and the sound of singing in that nightingale voice only he was ever privy to. He would cry, his cheek against the strong chest, listening to the music and the steady rhythm of the heart under his ear, and he would feel the movements, the gentle shift and sway and the blackness wouldn't matter anymore.
Other times, the darker times, when the sadness hit and he was alone he wondered who between them had been touched worse; Keaden with his twisted puckered scars, or his own blind eyes. On one hand Keaden's wounds were more visible and he could see the looks of horror, fear and disgust on the people’s faces. On the other he could see anything at all, and he hadn't been left virtually helpless by his scars. His own scars Keaden told him were almost beautiful little white/silvery dots like freckles on his cheeks and forehead, like some kind of dew drops. For the most part though he was happy and he was making his way in the world, he was working with the physician again his skills returning despite his lack of sight. In some ways in fact his lack of sight was a benefit, as he had gained a new ability from it, to see the energy of the world around him; it was magic he knew.
He and Keaden both had innate magic; to a degree they could sense magic in others and they could feel the warmth in them but they had no idea how to use the gifts their mother had left to them and their father hadn't understood. One day he hoped to be able to use the magic inside to help others but he was unsure that day would ever come.
He moved about their little home, built by the town in thanks for what they had done to save the farm and stop the fire from spreading at the expense of their own health, he put things away carefully using his hands and his ears to replace his lost eyes. That done he moved to the bedding where Keaden waited likely already in the grips of sleep, he ran a hand along the bedding to crawl in but felt Keaden move and pull him down into the warmth of the coverings. As he felt Keaden kiss his lips and murmur in sleepy lust he mused for the few seconds that his mind was still operational, that perhaps despite their differences now that they were still two halves of the same mould, he and his beloved twin.
Now playing:
Loreena McKennitt - Caravanseraivia