Feb 23, 2005 22:34
Well I did it! I flew a plane by myself today. It was awesome! I went to my flight lesson like any other day. Me and my instructor went to an airport around here and did some landings. On the third one, he he told me to taxi off the runway, which was weird because we usually do touch-and-go's. So I taxied off and he opened the door and asked if I was ready to do it myself. I was nervous as hell but I said yes and he got out and it was only me in control of that airplane. What a feeling that is. I can't even explain it. So I taxied back to the runway and departed. I knew as soon as I lifted off, there was no turning back. I stayed in the traffic pattern and flew it perfectly, I made all my radio calls perfectly, and I made the smoothest landing I have ever done. I was so pumped. I went around to pick up my instructor and he asked if i wanted to do 2 more, which is the requirement to get a solo endorsement. I said yes, and made 2 more landings and got endorsed to solo at that airport. When I got out of the plane back at the base, I was so excited and nervous and I don't know what else, my legs were shaking so bad I could barely stand. I can't believe that I did this today. It was a complete shock to me. Usually you don't solo until between 15 and 20 hours of flying, but I had less than 11 when the day started. I can't wait to go flying again tomorrow. This brings a whole new excitement to it. Within about 35-40 more hours, I will have my private pilot license and be able to take my friends flying. Mike promised he would go up with me even though he is terrified of it, and I am going to hold him to his promise! Well, sorry for going on and on about this. I gotta get to sleep. Hope everyone is having a great week! Later.