Apr 24, 2008 11:02
I guess I should be typing one entry a week--a nice long explanation of what's been happening in my life.
Basically, I found out that everyone at work has this terrible image of temps. I think it's a superiority complex and no one's really good at hiding it. I could run a few machines better than some of the permanents and that's when it started. Unfortunately, those who were talking about me never touch the machine. They're basically paid watchers and don't ever interfere with the workings/non-workings of the machinery. The temps, on the other hand, have to know how things work because no one comes to help them. Duh. Anyways, long story short, that's why temps don't stick around. That and no one thinks it's beneficial to hire a temp because they'll do the work anyways.
So, surfing for a new job. Yeah.
My sleep habits are terrible today--I need to get back to sleep before I crash on the job. At least I try. I got a call from work to not come in--no product, nothing to do, no work. Okay. I played pinball until 5a.m. and collapsed only to sleep 4 hours. That's not good. I've got to make up the time now.
Barbershop chorus this weekend, hanging out with Jodie and Rachel. It'll be nice to get out and see a show. Can't wait for the afterglow, either. Tons of music this weekend. I want one of those jobs I applied for, any of them would be better for me.