appologise, disses, and goodbyes

Jan 02, 2007 19:07

Dear Mars Volta,

It obvious that I love guys, I think everyone knows that, but the concept portion of your first two albums kind of bothered me. However after reading your article in Harp Magazine* it all makes sense. The concepts are actually pretty intense especially once you know the personal level of it all. I love you guys.

* Dear Harp Magazine,

At first I was really mad at you because I thought you were calling the Decemberist progressive and I do not agree in the slightest. However once I read the article I realized otherwise and actually the magazine is quite good! Still, fix your shit and don't mislead people like me who get mad when you mis-represent a band's musical aspects. Respect.

Dear Axe Deodorant,

Your new boost sent smells like some indian dood's (Tardesh) ball sweat mixed with shit stained hair molecules from a donkey's ass. I mean later on it smells fine, but when you first apply it it's like god damn. Fix your shit.

Dear Internet,

It's becoming ever apparent that you're no good for me. You fuel my procrastination, you cheat, you lie, you decieve, and ultimately, you fucked the whole lot of us up real good. I feel like when I use you it's just not real, I hate talking on MSN, I hate sending emails - although sometimes it's alright, I just plain ol' don't like you anymore. Alot of my friends and I use you alot to communicate but it also really makes things awkward too, ie, trying to meet people through you. This is where you lie.

You have pages (myspace, facebook, livejournal) where people can display "who they are" with information like they're interests, music tastes, schools they've attended, etc. Once you meet a person though, you realize that all of this has very little to do with who a person ACTUALLY IS. You see, I'm dumb though, partially because of you and didn't realize this. Alot of people I've met via internet have been total disapointments, there are some exceptions but usually there was a modivation to talk to them besides just being someone I met on myspace.

Further more, when your main source of communication is through a computer screen with not even a voice to communicate to you, more personal communication becomes harder. It got really hard for me to talk to alot of people both that I knew and didn't know simply because face to face communication was just something I didn't do alot of. Most of my time speant at home is away from my family, on the computer using you and we don't really have alot conversations. I've talked to other people and they feel very similar about how the internet's effected their communication in the real world.

Infact that's really fucked up, because when you think about it alot of us are two very different people. There's who we are online and who we are in reality. Having an online persona is fucking wierd.

However, I've stopped using you so much. I've realized now that the internet doesn't create things to do it's only a stand still to kill time when really we could be out living life if we really need to kill time. Would you rather waste time on MSN or adopt a new hobby? Maybe even just read a book? I know it's ironic that I'm using you to convey these ideas but that is because this is the last time I want to use you for a while. This is my goodbye.

It's not that I'm never going to use you again because our modern world requires that I do and being in a band, I will definetely need you because the internet is so crucial to us musicians now-a-days. But things like MSN, myspace, facebook, and even the livejournal I'm writing on are so unnessessary and it's time to give 'em up.

It's been a good four or five years of using this LJ account to document times where I was living life and not just waiting for life to happen**, but that time is done. If you want something to happen you have to go get it, miracles don't fall into your lap.

Darryl George-Thomas Blacker

** I lied on this thing a fair amount but I'm sure we all do
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