[Fanfic] "We Are Safe" Onshot, naughty

Jan 09, 2012 11:54

Title: We Are Safe
Author: dlueth
Series/Verse: Pre-earth
Pairing/Characters: Hound/Mirage
Prompt: Intimacy
Summary: Mirage comes back from a mission gone wrong. Hound comforts his lover.
Rating: NC-17 for graphic spark and sticky, Hound just loves Mirage so much
Word Count: 1,725
Disclaimer: I don't own, not even a plushie :(
A/N: I must not write porn at two in the morning, I must not write porn at two in the morning, I must not... Damn, there goes that resolution. ;)

Hound onlined suddenly, systems cycling to full alert as only vorns of hard won battle protocols could do. Someone was in the berth with him. Mirage?

His lover whimpered, crawling over the green mech’s chassis. “Hound, I need… please…”

…Slag. Hound was afraid this would happen.

Slowly, the tracker rolled, bringing his blue-and-white lover underneath him with all the care necessary to avoid setting off the spy’s defense protocols. Spies didn’t react well to being pinned down at the best of times. Mirage was shaking… badly, metal vibrating and clacking so bad he couldn’t be quiet even if he tried. His optics were so brightly lit they were nearly white, maxed to their highest sensory output, darting everywhere as his processor no doubt ceaselessly searched for signs of danger.

By the heavy venting and strained posture of the normally composed mech, Hound knew it was bad.

The tracker sat up, straddling his lover’s abdomen, holding one black servo against his spark. Hound let its steady thrum provide the comfort he knew Mirage needed right now. I’m here. You’re safe. I’m here.

Slowly, calmly, Hound waited as the tremors in Mirage’s frame calmed enough that the tracker was no longer worried his lover would shake apart.

“What happened?” Hound asked. Like a dam, Mirage broke, spilling the results of his last mission to the only mech he trusted.

“Infiltration.” Mirage whimpered. “Get the codes and get out, only the codes weren’t there, and the ‘Cons were waiting.” Mirage’s other servo came up, clenching feebly around the wrist holding his servo against Hound’s chassis. “I was trapped… they had me, Hound! I was- I was on the ground, but they started arguing amongst themselves. I had a piece of shrapnel a-and” He shuddered. “I can’t… they were going to… to…”

Mirage’s venting got worse, optics going dark and unfocused as his processor began looping, trying to get past the horror but stuck in a system error. Hound jerked the spy up against his chassis, gambling that a familiar spark against Mirage’s own would bring the mech back to the present, rather than setting off his protocols. It worked, Mirage focusing back on the green tracker.

“You made it back.” Hound said firmly, running one servo down the side of Mirage’s helm to cup his faceplates. “You got out.”

“I got out.” Mirage repeated.

“You are safe.”

“I am safe.” The shudders decreased again, but Hound knew the mantra wouldn’t be enough this time. Mirage would need more to be assured, and Hound would do nothing else until he knew his mate was once again secure in his processor.

“You are safe.” He said again, willing it to imprint onto his lover’s processor. “What do you need, Mirage?”

Mirage keened, and the sound nearly broke the tracker’s spark. “Safe. Need to be safe! Hound, please…need you!”

“And you have me.” Hound replied.

The tracker crushed the smaller mech against his chassis, wrapping both arms around the blue-and-white mech until every bit of space between them was gone. Metal dented with the force of their embrace. Mirage weakly clutched back, trembles still making circuits misfire. That was okay. Hound was not chasing his own pleasure this night.

Hound’s dermas found an energon line behind the spy’s audials, mouthing them with a single minded determination.

“You got out.” Hound breathed, nibbling on the line, following it down the graceful curve of his lover’s neck, nudging Mirage’s helm up to kiss the underside of his chin.

“I got out.” Mirage whimpered.

Hound glided his derma’s over to the spy’s shoulder, glossa dipping into a transformation seam. His servo’s slowly started to massage the blue-and-white mech’s back struts, digging into stressed bundles of support bands and wires, smoothing them out one by one, slowly, until they returned to the neat configuration his lover kept them in. “You are safe.”

“I am safe.”

Patiently, Hound worked his way down the mech’s chassis, down each leg and up each arm. He tracked every transformation seam he could reach with his glossa and mouth, keeping his lover against his chassis with one servo pressing against the spy’s back as his servo traversed Mirage’s frame. Their sparks thrummed against their chambers in happy recognition of the other’s signature.

Hound returned to Mirage’s neck struts, tonguing the energon line he had started with. By now, Mirage’s venting was definitely NOT from his mission and entirely from his lover’s ministrations, but the tracker could still smell the fear mixed into his lover’s field, could still feel the anxious quiver of the other mech’s spark near his own. Oh, Mirage…

One servo dipped low, tapping against Mirage’s valve cover. “Open,” Hound commanded, and with a moan, the spy did.

Hound lifted the smaller mech, letting his own spike out to rub against his lover’s valve as two fingers gently eased into his mate. “You are safe.”

Mirage moaned, unable to vocalize, processor split between drowning out his recent mission and his lover playing his chassis like a well known instrument. He nodded instead, clenching his servos against Hound’s shoulders. The spy ground against the tracker’s hand, trying to take the finger’s deeper as he rubbed against his lover’s spike. “Please…”

Hound gave a few thrusts into the valve, before stilling, fingers barely past the valve lining. “Say it.”

Mirage whined, thrusting his hips down, but Hound held him firmly, ignoring his lover’s efforts. He knew what Mirage needed. “Say it, Mirage.”

“I am safe.”

Hound rewarded his mech by adding another finger, driving three deep into the spy. Mirage melted against him, pleasure finally starting to replace the mission in his meta. “Hound.”

After a while the tracker withdrew, positioning the spy above his spike as Mirage’s protest at the withdrawal turned to eager moans. He paused, pushing away his own arousal to attend to his lover’s needs. Any other time he could pound into the noble as he wished, driving them both to overload with the brutal abandon the spy had come to love. Now was not the time for harsh pleasure but for the slow fires of devotion, of intimacies needed to sooth away the rough edges of processor streams and the hazy pleasure of being worshiped by Hound’s servos.

“Mirage, look at me.”

Mirage slowly lifted his optics to his lover’s. His vents caught at the devotion in the green mech’s gaze as Hound slowly lowered the spy onto his spike. Mirage exvented, relishing the feel of his larger lover burying inside him, stretching his valve walls until the tracker’s nodes edged into seams and folds in the pliable metal.

Hound stilled once he was fully inside his lover. Mirage’s valve rippled over his spike, clamping down on the intruder, eagerly sucking it in until Hound pressed against toe topmost node, pushing the gestation chamber open slightly as he filled the valve. Mirage whimpered, grinding down, fruitlessly trying to take Hound deeper. If only, but those protocols had been turned off at the start of the war. The frontlines were no place for sparklings.

Hound shushed his mate, kissing the mech softly as one servo came up to tap blue spark plates. With a sigh, Mirage opened, Hound’s own plates sliding away in synch with his. At once, the two sparks leapt forward, no longer blocked by chamber walls. Hound shouted as Mirage’s grey spark meshed with his blue.

Mirage keened, his processor and spark finally letting go of his terror as Hound’s essence soothed away the fear of being caught, of being captured and pinned by the enemy. Hound buried himself deeper into Mirage, searching out every shadow of doubt in his mate’s spark with the tenacity of his designation and stamping it out with a ruthless fervor. Doubt had no place here.

/We are safe./

Hound began to move, short thrusts rubbing his spike into every node of his smaller lover’s valve, grinding into the anterior nodes surrounding the interface unit as he slowly built the charge up between them. He never once pulled away from Mirage’s spark, grinding their very being together as energy and paint mingled freely between them.

Hound willed his lover feelings of security and love, finding and accenting his lover’s feelings of being held in the tracker’s strong arms, of his spike buried deep inside Mirage’s valve and theirs sparks entwined and bleeding into each other and their fields meshing. Hound sent his own feelings, his devotion to the beautiful mech in front of him and his fierce protective instincts of that beloved spark combining with his own.

Mirage overloaded, the love and care of his mate filling him to capacity as his world hazed out in pleasure. Hound howled as Mirage’s valve seized around his spike, spilling his transfluid into the valve and gestation chamber until their liquids dripped between them. Silver transfluid mixed with purple lubricant on their thighs as Mirage’s valve milked Hound’s spike for every drop of code he could give.

/We are safe./

The feel of the static charged fluids in his chamber tipped Mirage over a second time, caught in the pleasure of his lover as the tracker permeated his essence; fields entwined, sparks emeshed, valve filled with his lover’s thick spike and chamber filled with his tracker’s transfluid.

Slowly, they came down from their high. Hound nuzzled under Mirage’s chin as the noble slowly collected himself. Mirage was content to stay draped against his lover’s chassis, sparks returning to their chambers but still entwined by threads of light and cymatter.

Hound gently leaned back against the berth, still holding Mirage against him, spike securely buried in the spy’s valve. He tipped the blue-and-white mech’s helm down to press a kiss against Mirage’s olfactory sensor.

“Feeling better?” The tracker asked.

Mirage hummed in contentment, nodding lazily. He buried himself farther into his mate’s side, entwining their legs and nuzzling his face into Hound’s collar struts until he was comfortable. His valve gave Hound’s spike one last squeeze before settling, gently holding the still stiff jack inside just like Mirage wrapped himself around his mate, trapping their combined fluids inside. Mirage relished the lazy pleasure. “… lov’ you.”

“And I love you, Mirage.” Hound smiled, reaching over to pull a heating blanket over himself and his quickly recharging mate. Hound offlined his optics, eager to join his mate in rest.

/We are safe./


transformers, hound, pr0nz, mirage, fic:drabble

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