Mar 30, 2007 13:58
I have some how ended up on a island, or perhaps a continent where the people are so used to conflict it is the only thing they know. I was doing a good job of staying out of this, but now I'm thrown into a situation that I have no choice but to deal with. How do you know which people you can trust??? In general this is a difficult thing to judge, when you live in a foreign country, have a basic level of the language and the people you thought you knew tell you contradictory things about the other people you thought you knew, who do you believe. Can you believe anyone, your heart included? I DO NOT like this. My heart is sad and my head hurts, full of confusion and mistrust, I'm off to Argentina sola (in more ways than one) hopefully sometime by myself in the mountians will help to clear my head. I've had more than one person tell me I need time to think, time for me, time with tranquility. They are right, and so I go, sola.